View Full Version : Can't cope anymore

17-08-13, 05:51
Just awake my heart has been beating fast for 40 mins now. I can't seem to calm it down. Tried walking about, cold air deep breathing. I'm thinking now is this it? Please help

17-08-13, 09:12
Sorry nobody got to you on time. You ok now?

17-08-13, 10:48
It lasted 2 hrs. I was able to sleep but I feel so on edge now. Was very close to going to A&E. I'm Sick of it now it happens 2-3 times a week but that was the worse yet :(

17-08-13, 13:15
Sounds like a very common thing that a lot of people here have been through (myself included).

I would suggest getting yourself down to the GP and getting it checked out, for no other reason that to satisfy yourself that nothing is wrong.

Perhaps the walking and deep breathing were the thing that allowed you to ultimately sleep? Perhaps you had more control over the attack than you thought? I remember always thinking the worst, but when it happens again (which it probably will) just remind yourself that nothing happened last time, and nothing will happen this time. It'll just feel really crappy.

17-08-13, 20:09
Is it really that common? Had anxiety for 20 years but never experienced this before. Panic attacks make me breathless short lasting. Don't have many before. I've had 24 hr ECG was very anxious throughout also had thyroid which is fine. Not got results of ECG. I dread bedtime every night. Thanks for taking time out to reply who has xx

17-08-13, 20:39
Its really common, I know how you feel though. I too have suffered badly today. A racing heart is one of the most common symptoms of a panic attack. Slow breathing is supposed to help but I know how hard this is to concentrate on when youre in a panic.

18-08-13, 10:33
Mine only happens though in the middle of the night waking me up. Is this common?

18-08-13, 13:28
Mine only happens though in the middle of the night waking me up. Is this common?


18-08-13, 19:03
Thank you. Feel a lot better now.

Daisy Sue
18-08-13, 19:52
Glad to hear it's calmed down now. I had a rotten episode of it last night too.. lay in bed taking my pulse & feeling beat, beat, miss, miss, beat, miss.. started to scare myself stupid, then decided to turn over and try to sleep instead of worrying.. it worked. Woke up fine this morning.

It's crazy, it feels so serious at the time, but I keep reminding myself that it's normal, loads of people get it, and it'll calm down - hard to believe at the time, I know!

18-08-13, 22:21
I'm a nurse so I tell myself I'm not going to die or have a heart attack but the feelings at the time are so real even when your logical brain is telling you it's just panic. You're not alone. I thought I was going mad until I realised how common all this is for so many people so in your darkest hours remember you're not alone and we all send you love and support.

19-08-13, 22:14
Thank you. Feel a lot better now.

Also remember that if it stops happening at night and starts in the morning, or in the afternoon then that's also common.

Try to understand that symptoms can and will change, so don't jump to the wrong conclusion (as we all have done/still do) when something new comes along.

20-08-13, 13:29
These panic attacks are so bad I can't even go out xxxxx

22-08-13, 11:32
Poppy1 I now how your feeling I am panicking everyday it's so hard to get through this lots of hugs xxx:)