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View Full Version : Amitriptyline

17-08-13, 07:06
Have been prescribed a very low dose of amitriptyline for nerve pain.First night i took it and slept well. Second night i have been unable to sleep at all, everytime i almost fell asleep i twitched and woke up. Now really worried i wont be able to take this, as nerve pain seems slightly better already. Has anyone had this happen to them...

17-08-13, 15:32
Can anyone help please

17-08-13, 16:03
Sorry for no replies yet pb.

Amitriptyline isn't very commonly prescribed nowadays so there won't be too many people on this forum who take the medication. If no one replies then I recommend calling up a pharmacy or out of hours GP for medication advice. NHS direct might also be able to help.

Hopefully someone will respond soon to let you know their own experiences with the medication.
Best of luck.

17-08-13, 16:15
I found the same with duloxetine - it kept me awake, so I now take it at lunchtime. You say your drug take it at night? Would your GP let you switch it to mornings?

17-08-13, 16:23
I am on clomipramine which is a similar type of AD, I don't take it for nerve pain but I think that tablets can have all manner of side effects and what one person gets another won't. Our type of AD is meant to make you sleepy but I think this depends on dose as well, I only take 30mg of mine so it doesn't effect me too much. What I will say is the twitching awake just as you (try to) sleep is something I had a lot when the anxiety was high before I was on any drugs, so it's hard to say what is tablets and what isn't. I would give them a couple of months if you can and see how you get on. I have been on mine just under a year. If it helps, just keep posting on here as a bit of a journal as it helps to see if any patterns emerge. x

17-08-13, 18:19
Hi pb.

I am on 25mg for nerve pain. It is helping me so much. I sleep well now. Try and get through the first week or two and it will be worth it.

17-08-13, 18:46
Thank you for your replies, i spoke to pharmist who suggested taking half a tablet for a couple of days.