View Full Version : Crying all the time. Depression?

17-08-13, 11:40
I'm not sure whether I should go to the doctor or not.

I cry all the time recently, my sleeping patterns are all over the place, including waking up early everyday no matter what time I go to sleep and can't get back to sleep like I used to.
Sometimes insomnia also.

I don't find joy in much and I'm always anxious about time going too fast. Like at the start of the weekend I'm already dreading it ending etc.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

17-08-13, 12:37
Hi GA23. I go through patterns like this every now and again. Cannot sleep, cry or feel sad for no apparent reason. I also haven't found joy in much for as long as I can remember, but I have just starting having the odd moment...

The reason for my little joy is that I try to live in the moment, the present moment. Dont worry about the past or the future, either I can do nothing about, they have gone or not happened yet. I used to dread Mondays at work, I still do, like probably 99% of the whole population I think! Nothing unusual there, except when it is focussed upon too much.

The problem is if I spend time worrying about the end of a weekend then I am not enjoying THE weekend. Try to not think ahead (present moment), that will come anyway (you cant stop time, but you can enjoy your time), try and have fun or do something nice on your weekends and worry about Monday on Monday morning. Put the worry to one side and deal with that later. It'll still be there, just postpone it. When it pops in, say "Monday worry", acknowledge it and let it go without interacting with it, you can deal with that later, I find it works with practice. You can deal with the end of the weekend when it comes, meh Mondays!!!.

Hope that makes sense. ha