View Full Version : Is this panic or depression or..?

17-08-13, 18:45
I have this anxious feeling which I would describe as being scared. It feels like my head is spinning inside and a fear goes down my body. This is making feel really down and I am really afraid that I will wake up feeling this way in the morning. That would (as in the past) panic me.

The only time I get any relef is when I go to bed and listen to a hypnosis mp3. I spoke to the doctor on weds about this but I am not keen on going on another set of drugs (I'm on 40mg of citalopram) and he didn't seem keen on giving me anything.

Underlying all this is that when I was young I used to get scared when my brothers had a fight and all the associated shouting would kick off. Because of this I'm literally afraid of people shouting at each other. So with a gobby new neighbour I'm afraid of when she will go off on one. Silly really.

Sorry if this little moan is in the wrong place. But I just feel I needed to post this and see if anyone can give some advice :-(

18-08-13, 01:13
I would say that it's probably a bit of both Pete, anxiety often goes hand in hand with depression.

I'm not at all surprised that you now fear hearing people shout an kick off, I also don't like that.

It's because you associate the shouting with that that you heard as a young lad and that must have been frightening for you back then, so you're kind of feeling that fear again now.

Have you ever had any psychotherapy or counseling of any kind Pete??

I ask because I think you'd find it beneficial to have some psychotherapy, it really helped me deal with emotions that were left over from my childhood.

Perhaps make another appointment with your doctor and ask about being referred, there will most likely be a waiting list and it will depend on your area is to how long you will have to wait, but it's well worth the wait if you can.

Do please let us know how you get on :)

19-08-13, 09:40
Thanks. I was given some self referral information and I'm going to look into that and also contact a local counseling service today.

20-08-13, 23:56
That's brilliant Pete :)

I hope you find it beneficial, please do come in and let us know how you're getting on :)

21-08-13, 17:02
Well, I have an appointment with a local counselling charity/service on Tuesday 27th aug which is just really to see if they can be of help. I also contacted the local NHS mental healthcare team this afternoon and they are going to put me onto a group session course for anxiety.

22-08-13, 01:21
That sounds good to me Pete, I hope it all goes well for you. Do keep updating your thread and letting us know how you're doing :)

23-08-13, 23:03
I'm typing on my iPod touch in bed right now. Has a good few hours at a club I belong to. I fell back off a chair to much hilarity. I also had a session on the loo up there and now I feel hungery. I hope I'm coming out of the dark scary wood and into a summer medow. Mind you walking through town I started to feel. A bit panicked as I thought I could see trouble brewing a couple of times.

27-08-13, 20:11
Had my first meeting with a therapist today. Probably not the same one I will be under in future. We went over some basic stuff that was worrying me. She asked what I wanted to get out of therapy... Didn't know where to start answering that one