View Full Version : Spending Habits

17-08-13, 19:50
Are getting a little bit out of hand lately.

I bought a fish tank a week ago.

Its a Biorb Life 60 litre, nice little tank.

They do 3 colours, Red, Black and White.

I bought Red, then 2 days later I bought Black, now I want the white one. Why? I have no idea, I just cant help myself, I feel like I have to have them all.

I bought them on ebay, wouldnt pay retail because they are between £250-£300 brand new, so bought 2nd hand and they have cost me so far between £100 and £125 each.

I bid for a white one earlier on ebay and was outbid in the last seconds, I wasnt really bothered then, but I am now, the fact that I didnt get it is really playing on my mind, but I dont even need it and would struggle to find somewhere to put it.

I dont know whats wrong with me.

I live in Cardiff and travelled to Southampton for one tank, and Somerset for the other, which is quite far from here, and cost quite a bit in diesel so I dont even know what im doing.

I feel like Im going insane lately, and even though I dont need the white version, it seems I have to have it and I feel like I have an adrenalin rush going on inside of me because I wanted that one earlier and didnt get it, so I feel desperate to find another and make sure I get it.

Im spending money like its going out of fashion on fish, plants, filters, and associated rubbish for these tanks and I just cant stop.

Whats wrong with me?