View Full Version : 10mg cit, 7 weeks in, less effective than first time

17-08-13, 20:12
Hi all
Now in week 8 of 10mg, was on 10mg 3 yrs ago for nearly a year. I really felt good on it after 6 weeks and made a big difference in my life. Anxiety lessened, more confident and everything began to be good.

This time not sure why but doesn't seem to have same effect. Also suffering what seems to be ibs from a bad virus in April, so also take immodium for that. Just started a new job which will be less stressful than last role. I just don't seem to be getting better quickly enough this time.

I can't lose is job, really need it.
Any advice

17-08-13, 22:04
I sympathise with you. I'm on cit for the second time too. The first time round I was on 10mg and it worked really quickly. The second time round, I still didn't feel much better even after 4 weeks. So I asked my doctor if I could move up to 20mg. That did the trick for me, as I started to improve after a couple of weeks. Now I feel as good as I did the first time round. So I recommend taking to your doctor about potentially increasing your dose. It's also a good thing that you now have s less stressful job.

---------- Post added at 22:04 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

I must add I was initially very reluctant to increase the dose, but now I'm glad I did. I didn't get any new side effects after all.

17-08-13, 22:08
I'm too on Citalopram for the second time 10mg worked just fine for me the 1st time after about 4-5 weeks. Second time i've had to up my dose to 30mg until i felt better. Took about 3 months in all. I'm glad to say that i had no side effects from upping the dose. Hope you feel better soon.

sal h
19-08-13, 02:39
Well guys unfortunately I didn't have much luck with cit.
I just completed 7 weeks on Celexa. (5mg on the first 20 days and increased to 10mg for another 20 days and have been on 20 mg for the last 10 days).

I started having insomnia as a result of anxiety/depression when my father had a stroke on January 2013. I’ve tried to deal with it myself without medications abut finally decided to seek professional help so 7 weeks ago I saw my pdoc and he prescribed Celexa.

With the exception of improving my sleep unfortunately, I haven’t noticed any improvements on my mood and anxiety at all. I mean prior to taking Celexa I had some interests like watching TV, movies, take a walk in the afternoon or getting together with friend for happy hours……. I’ve noticed not only Celexa did not improve anything but it took away my joy and those few interests that I had before staring the med. Even after 7 weeks I feel awful everyday. Headaches, lack of concentration, restlessness (inability to sit or stay in one place with lots of pacing), irritability, increased anxiety (specially early morning), nervousness.

Don’t you agree I should’ve seen some small signs of improvement by now?

So I decided to taper off and currently taking 10mg for a couple of days and planning to go down to 5mg tonight and see what happens. Hopefully 7 weeks in not considered to be a long time on AD but you never know.


19-08-13, 15:40
Hi all, seen doc, she agrees that 10mg is generally for very mild anxiety, she suggests going to 20 mg but slowly to 15 first.
It doesn't seem to have had the quick positive effect like last time.
Also suffering the ibs symptons so fingers crossed it will all settle.
Here goes to 15 tonight.
Let's hope no side effects by Doing it slowly, have diazepam but try not to resort to that for the side effects.
