View Full Version : Feel panic coming on

17-08-13, 20:19
My hands are very sweaty, i feel dizzy and weird and my heart is pounding i feel very nervous to my stomach, hot flashes and a little nauseous. Feel like i'm close to having a panic attack, how can i calm myself down

17-08-13, 20:23
Take slow deep breaths in through your nose, hold it for a count of 4 and let it out very slowly. Keep repeating this. Oh and Smile! Even if you don't feel like smiling...do it..it does help :)

17-08-13, 20:40
phew.. thank you

17-08-13, 20:52
Are you feeling any calmer?

17-08-13, 20:59
Yes a little, thank you for your quick reply, I hate feeling like this

17-08-13, 21:01
I know it is a horrible feeling. You just have to keep repeating the breathing exercises and keep trying to smile :D

17-08-13, 21:04
Alright i will thank you (: i'm trying to distract myself by watching a tv show

17-08-13, 21:06
Comedy shows are good to watch :)

19-08-13, 21:29
Ugh feeling so panicky again, my head feels weird and i feel nauseous and sweaty.. i'm doing your breathing exercise to feel calmer

19-08-13, 21:37
Yes keep doing them as soon as you start to feel panic, they help the feeling to go. It will soon pass :)

19-08-13, 21:39
Have a drink of cold water. Just small sips which will help you cool down and calm your breathing.
You are safe and will be alright.

19-08-13, 21:39
I'm glad to say that I find this forum distracting.

Amazing how the (different) problems that other mortals are experiencing and facing can do that.

Hope you can calm down!

19-08-13, 22:42
Thanks for the reassurance..i appreciate it. sorry for all the posts..i've been feeling terrible lately.. I'm going to sleep now, so exhausted.

20-08-13, 13:24
My hands are very sweaty, i feel dizzy and weird and my heart is pounding i feel very nervous to my stomach, hot flashes and a little nauseous. Feel like i'm close to having a panic attack, how can i calm myself down
I no how you feel Hun its horrible i have been like this for 8 weeks now won't even go out alone hear if u need a chat xxxx:)