View Full Version : Headache for three weeks

17-08-13, 20:45
Hey everyone,

For three weeks now I have been experiencing headaches everyday which are not very painful but are uncomfortable either at the back of my head or at the side. I'm extremely scared i've got somthing serious wrong with me such as a brain tumor. I've noticed when i stress and panic the back of my head feels tight and i get a throbbing pain behind my right eye. I went to my GP and she tryed to reassure me that it wasnt anything serious and i was getting headaches due to my anxiety. I am that worried i cannot sleep and im looking for some advice.


17-08-13, 21:12
Headaches are quite common with anxiety. If you have seen your doctor and she has examined you then I would be reassured by that.

18-08-13, 09:21
Thanks for the reply annie, I know i should stop worrying but i can't even though i have been to the doctor. I feel as if my life has been took over because im constantly worrying.

18-08-13, 20:27
I have similar symptoms to you Chris with the added severe neck stiffness (which sets off alarm bells in some doctors)

I've had 2 neurology appointments which lasted for a good hour and it was all put down to stress and anxiety.

I've never considered myself stressed (aside from when I was working) but anxiety I guess is stress in another form.

Hope you feel better soon

19-08-13, 12:30
Hey Chester, thanks for the reassuring reply. I do stress and worry alot and when i do my headaches feel alot more painful so im hoping it is caused by anxiety and not anything serious. I'm going back to the doctors today because I have a wierd tingling sensation in my left hand which I've never had before and i still have the headache. I also made a big mistake by looking on google so im extremely worried :weep:

19-08-13, 12:33
I get these when its warmer weather or stuffy! I once had one for 3 weeks and it just would not go away! I think they are just pressure headaches due to weather changes xx

19-08-13, 18:55
Hi anxietyoverload, Thanks for your post. I really do hope it is because of the weather change that is causing these annoying headaches and nothing serious.

I went to the doctor again today and they don't seem to think it is anything serious so that's kind of reassuring.

19-08-13, 19:37
hi anxiety can manifest itself in so many ways some people will get different symptoms to others but tensing up can cause headaches and head pain, your symptoms do not point to BT symptoms, the headache would be constant in the same location and would be unrelenting, you would probably have sickness, memory loss, be stumbling about, forgetting things and getting confussed BT symptoms are severe so i would not worry get ontop of the anxiety and it will get better take care and blessings

20-08-13, 11:26
Hi aggiecuttler, Thanks for the post, it was very reassuring.

I've still got the headache and my anxiety seems to be at its worse today and I'm feeling absolutely terrified. :scared15:

20-08-13, 20:20
Has anyone else ever had a headache last this long? Im starting to get extremely worried.

20-08-13, 20:56

I've had anxiety-related headaches for over 30 years, my longest lasting for about 3 months. It's one of the most common anxiety symptoms and can be really hard to come to terms with. I've had various tests done and none of them found a cause.

Unfortunately, the more you worry about them, the worse they get - it's a real vicious circle. All you can do is accept that they're a symptom of anxiety and try relaxation techniques.

Hope that helps


20-08-13, 23:51
Hi, when I was at my worst in health anxiety I had tension headaches everyday (on and off throughout the day) for 5 months!.. it was horrible I feel your pain!.. try relaxing (easier said than done I know!) when u get a headache try some of these, they might help!..

1. Place a hot compress (http://www.wikihow.com/Make-A-Simple-Hot-Compress-for-Muscle-Pain) on your fore-head or the back of your neck. The heat will help to relax (http://www.wikihow.com/Relax) knotted up muscles in this area

2. Massage head, neck and temples.

3. Drink lots of water

4. take a bath/relax

These things helped me!.. the only reason mine went in the end though was because I was put on citalopram, its relaxed me, now im not anxious at all.. Hope your headache goes soon..

21-08-13, 12:49
I'm having mine for over an year. And it's constant, which makes me feel crazy sometimes... so yes.

21-08-13, 15:27
Hey guys, Still got the headache today :(

Thanks for the advice Pipkin. I'm just finding it really hard to accept that my headaches are caused by anxiety and just keep thinking the worse such as a brain tumor which is making my headache 10x worse.

Chandy, Those tips are great, Thank you. I'll definitely try some of them tonight especially the hot compress!

Jimmy, have you been to your doctor? I couldn't imagine putting up with a headache for a year.

22-08-13, 00:11
Yeah, I've been to lots of different doctors many times this past year, even did a CT scan of my head... they found nothing. But my headaches are not very painful or unbearable, I just learned how to accept them and live with them, since nobody tells me what causes them and most of the doctors say it's my anxiety.

23-08-13, 00:58
Hi Chris02 - I too have had a headache for the past 4 weeks - started with a sharp stabbing pain in back of head and always suffer muscle tension in neck - according to a lady who does my massages my left shoulder/neck is totally tensed up more than she has ever felt - however since headaches started neck tension worse :-( I am seeing an osteopath but am going into overdrive with worrying now - I had breast cancer 5 years ago and am discharged and was told to go live my life - now however find myself thinking this is all related - doesn't stop going through my head for a second - so know I am making myself ill :-( so I am with you totally with these fears :-) hope you soon feel better :-)

25-08-13, 19:52
Hey guys,

Four weeks today I've the headache now. Its not as painful as it was but it is still there and I still cannot help but panic which is getting me down. :mad:

Hi Shazbog, have you seen your doctor? Whenever you feel scared getting a professional's opinion is is a great way to calm yourself down. I'm sure you'll be fine, I wish you all the best.

04-09-13, 23:25
Hello everyone,

I have still been getting headaches everyday but now they are not constant and not very painful and last for around half an hour. I also have a feeling of pressure in the back of my head which I am thinking is anxiety because it is only there when I worry and stress. I've been to the doctor again for the third time and he doesn't think it is serious because my the headache is improving and having many family members who suffer from headaches as well and also that headaches are very common for me because i normaly get them 2-3 times a month in the past. I was sent away with stronger beta blockers and told to come back in a month.

These past couple of weeks have been awful for me and has stopped me from doing a lot things because I've constantly been worried about having a brain tumour. I have been very depressed just constantly worried about death.

Does anyone have any advice or anything similar to them? From my symptoms would you think I have a brain tumour?


07-09-13, 08:57
I've had my headaches at back of head (above neck) and on left side of my head for the last week and it's freaking me out

07-09-13, 12:46
I've had a headache in the back of my head to the sides on exactly the same spot on both my right and left sides of the head for a month now. I've been told it's muscular and has something to do with the neck muscles that attach to your back.

07-09-13, 22:09
Sickboy, I know exactly how you feel. I've had it for a month on and off now and its really scaring me.

Eyji, thanks for the information. Headaches are so damn annoying. I hope you get better soon friend.

My headache isn't constant so much any more and just comes and goes through out the day. What is scaring me now is I keep getting a weird tingling sensation in my head and the back of my head feels really tight. It REALLY has me worried :scared15:

08-09-13, 10:40
Sickboy, I know exactly how you feel. I've had it for a month on and off now and its really scaring me.

Eyji, thanks for the information. Headaches are so damn annoying. I hope you get better soon friend.

My headache isn't constant so much any more and just comes and goes through out the day. What is scaring me now is I keep getting a weird tingling sensation in my head and the back of my head feels really tight. It REALLY has me worried :scared15:

Go get a massage. I'm quite sure it will relieve some of the discomfort.

08-09-13, 19:15
Go get a massage. I'm quite sure it will relieve some of the discomfort.

I might just do that, thanks for the suggestion Eyji.

Im starting to panic really bad today. The back of my head just feels really tight. Its not painful just slightly uncomfortable.

08-09-13, 22:09
I might just do that, thanks for the suggestion Eyji.

Im starting to panic really bad today. The back of my head just feels really tight. Its not painful just slightly uncomfortable.

Please my friend. Don't worry about it. It won't hurt you.

I found this video that might help you releave the pain a little.

Best of luck to you.

10-09-13, 01:34
Hey everyone

Been feeling light headed today but i also have a cold so im hoping its because of that. I'm such a mess right now, because of my anxiety i've been finding it really hard to sleep only getting about 3 hours sleep a night for the past week. I also just feel really depressed, its horrible :(

10-09-13, 09:32
Only just seen this thread! I get regular headaches too - partly caused by stress and anxiety, as I have a subconscious habit of tensing all my muscles up when I'm having a bad day.

However...I also have sinus headaches, which seem to be pretty common with anxiety too! Can understand how scary it is for you, but hopefully the number of people who have posted to say they have similar things going on should reassure you a bit :)

10-09-13, 12:39
i was having pressure headaches due to anxiety.
i would wake up in the morning and be 'waiting' for the headache to start.

it stopped when i started worrying about something else!

11-09-13, 03:57
Thanks so much for the reassurance Emily and Darren. It helps me so much. I'm about to have another sleepless night due to the worry of having a brain tumor. I've also got depression which is making matters worse. I think this is the lowest I've ever been in my life and I am only 18!