View Full Version : Am I emotionally numb/detached?

17-08-13, 22:27
I was at summer camp for the whole week and I found out yesterday from my parents that my uncle passed away on Wednesday and that they had to go over there and take care of things, so I'm home alone. I felt shocked and confused, and I feel scared and sad, but I haven't really been so "sad", considering this death in my immediate family. I cried a little bit yesterday and that was about it. I've been at home, trying not to be anxious, relaxing, playing games, watching TV, etc, and I am thinking about my uncle a lot but I don't really feel tears coming to my eyes or any kind of real heartache or grief. I think my anxiety has robbed most of my emotions from me, and that my body feels it would be too exhausting to really cry and mourn. This is the first major death that I have ever experienced.

17-08-13, 22:42
I didn't cry when my nan died even though I grew up with her and saw her almost every week. However when both my cats and rabbit died I cried a fair amount, same for when a patient has died at work even though I didn't know them I'll cry. Grief's a weird thing and I wouldn't necessarily say that anxiety is totally to blame for how you're feeling, sometimes it hits you days,weeks or months later. Don't worry about how you think you should be feeling , just feel it.