View Full Version : Feedback for CBT4PANIC

17-08-13, 22:39
Hi Everyone

I just wondered how everyone who has tried or are trying CBT4PANIC are getting on?

Since the forum became closed to the 'outside world' I haven't received or seen much feedback.

Also I am a bit confused at the proportion of people who have viewed the sticky on CBT4PANIC to those who actually try it

according to the stats the sticky has had 16,000 view but only about 500 people have actually downloaded the programme.

Has anyone any idea why that might be?

I imagined that when I made it free the downloads would go through the roof?

From the forum stats it seems that most people here have health anxiety - so maybe only a relatively small amount have panic disorder or panic attacks?

Anyway - any feedback would be very helpful.

Many thanks

19-12-13, 18:38

I have just downloaded the programmes and am yet to have a look into them in more detail. I do have a small dilemma - I went onto the normal site and was fully intending to pay as I felt as long as I was working and using it then I would pay. Unfortunately my employment came to an end and I really can't afford the instalments at the minute. Is it possible to cancel my subscription?

Many Thanks


Cú Chulainn
19-12-13, 18:53
I found it very helpful. I downloaded it two weeks ago.
Thank you

Mrs Anxious
19-12-13, 21:35
Can you give me the link for this please and also how much does it cost? Thanks

19-12-13, 21:37
This was a great help in my recovery...Thank you Robin for all the support you gave me. I would recommend it to everyone.

20-12-13, 11:11
Hi Robin

I used your programme quite a while ago and found it very helpful.

This week I am going over it again, as my panic has come back quite bad again.