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View Full Version : Hyper awreness of my bodies movements and thoughts- reassurance please!:)

17-08-13, 23:37
Hi people,

So i know that i've had depersonalisation disorder for a couple of months now, but it has got to the point where i have gotton so detached from my sourroundings and my body that i have become overly tuned-in to my bodie's movements and actions.

For example, i'm constantly checking things; like moving my hands, legs head, you name it... Even counting the number of footsteps i'm going to take and making sure that my body actually does it right as i 'told my brain to'. It's as if everything is rehearsed now:(

Maybe i'm just reassuring myself that i'm still in control, but this is really freaking me out. I'm so tuned in and movement just doesn't feel natural anymore and there's a definate disconnection with my body and the brain.

It's like when i'm eating, i'm really focusing in on moving the fork and knife, and it just doesn't feel right, un natural as i keep saying. Everything is under close analysis and on watch basically. Maybe it's just over-analysing, whch i know is common with anx...

I hope someone can relate to this as i feel like a complete and utter freak!

17-08-13, 23:59
Hi Cmack,

Sorry to hear your having such a hard time. I can tell you that I know exactly what you are talking about and I have had exactly the same thing. You described it better than i ever could have.

Every bodily action or movement is over analysed and nothing feels natural anymore. Simple things like moving your limbs or walking to pick something up is over though by the brain. It is very worrying at the time but it is all part of the anxiety. It is horrible and it feels like those feelings will last forever sometimes and it feels as though nothing will ever feel natural again but once the anxiety starts to fade so do these strange games the brain seems to play.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

18-08-13, 11:29
cmack...you have describe this so well,you realy have ..i get this on and off.but there was a time when i used to get this as you do,all the time and never thought it would ever go.Ever..but after a while it did get a lot less.i dont know why it left me but it did,i dont think my life changed much but it def got less and less to a point now where i get it on and off.its def a anxiety thing without a doubt.

18-08-13, 21:17
i got it too it lasted for a few months i use to wake up panicking thinking my legs were paralized so scary. i suffer with bad dizziness and i dnt know if anxiety is causing it bt its made me think about the movements my bodys making and i think this is whats keeping my dizziness going as im fine when i dont think about it and it was the same with the depersonalisation. it makes you feel like your loosing touch with reality but really its that your too in touch with reality. i hope u feel better soon the best thing to do is keep busy, plenty of days out and wearing sunglasses helped me x

18-08-13, 21:52
This is very very normal, it's the body being sensitised. Many many people have this, it does lessen. It's ok to notice it most of the time it's ok to think about it most of the time.