View Full Version : There's no way out for me. My life is in ruins

18-08-13, 09:40
First I lost my job. Tried so hard to get another but nothing. Then my brother died. 3 months later I'm told I have bowel cancer. Tumour is removed, all seems positive. One month later my wife ends our 26 year marriage. Six months later I have a heart attack. Five months later another brother dies. One month later I become homeless. Seven months on still no home, still no job. Money all gone, debts abound. No friends around anymore. Family have all turned their backs. I'm totally broken man. No hope. No life. What's the point of struggling on. Well there's none.

18-08-13, 10:03
Hi, sorry you've had such an awful time. Where are you living at the moment, what steps have you taken? Are you on any medication? Hopefully there are people here who can point you in the right direction. You've had a rough time, but it can get better x

18-08-13, 10:10
I'm so sorry. You've been through so much. It's no wonder you are struggling with everything!

Your situation is tough, and it's horrible, and it's sad, but I don't think it's hopeless. The point of struggling on is that you will eventually get to a better place. You really will.

Housing and income is probably the first priority right now. An advocacy organisation may be able to help make sure you are getting all you are entitled to in the way of benefits and housing support. The CAB is one organisation that could help, alternatively, google "advocacy" and your town or county and you should find some organisations that could help.

The second thing to do would be to approach your doctor. You need and deserve some support. Medication may or may not offer some relief from your depression, but counselling or therapy can teach you coping mechanisms. If talking is difficult, you can write down the main points to show your doctor. A mental health advocate may also be able to help you get across what you need to tell the doctor - specialist mental health advocacy does exist, so have a look on google.

I do think you can get through this, but you need to use what strength you have left to seek the support you need and deserve, to help you rebuild a new life for yourself.

18-08-13, 11:13
I find a sofa whenever I can otherwise I sleep in my van. So very very tired. Eleven prescribed drugs a day (for my heart etc). Fed up with taking them. Maybe that's the way out for me. Stop taking the drugs and let nature take its course. I can't fight all this anymore.

Daisy Sue
18-08-13, 11:23
It's understandable how low you're feeling - anyone would be after having so many serious things hit them in such a short space of time. I hope you can find a way back up from this... maybe contact the British Red Cross - they can help with all kinds of crises.

18-08-13, 11:44
Please don't do anything to harm yourself. You've had a lot of bad things happen in a short space of time so it's understandable you're feeling so low. Please tell your doctor how bad you're feeling - they'll be able to help you. You will probably be able to get an emergency appointment first thing tomorrow morning. You may also benefit from counselling to help with the grief. Take care and let us know how you get on. :hugs: It may not seem like it now but things can and will improve.

18-08-13, 12:49
Which area are you in? There are networks to help. Please don't do anything silly. You're not alone.

Please let me know more, did you ever serve in the forces? Even briefly? There are thngs we can do to help

Marg xx

Granny Primark
18-08-13, 13:11
Hey come on. We help one another on this site. Dont give up. We wont let you.
You joined this site so that proves that really in your heart you want help and support.
You will get loads of it here. Stick with us please. :hugs:

19-08-13, 02:11
Please don't ever give up on life.

This is only a transient time and it will pass and you will feel better :)

I would think it completely natural and normal for anyone to feel like you do having been faced with all the stuff you've had to face, but let's look at it positively, you've coped with it, you've faced it and you're now going to get better, and as you get better, so will your life :)

There is always a point in carrying on with life, your life is precious and you are precious to others.

Suicide is NOT a solution, it never is, you will loose your life and your future, and your family and friends will be left heartbroken.

Even though you think you do, you don't really want to die, I know, because I've been there, what you want is relief from the depression that you're suffering from.

The first thing that we need to do is make sure that you're kept safe during this period of time, when you reach the stage and you feel you want to take your life, you are not thinking rationally, so we have to rely on others to keep us safe from harm until this episode passes and it WILL pass :)

Please contact someone immediately if you feel that you're likely to act on your thoughts. If you have no one around you, you can call the Samaritans any time of the day or night, they are very, very good, indeed, it was the Samaritans that saved my life all those years ago and got me the help that I desperately needed at that time :)

Please go and see your doctor, tomorrow morning ring your surgery and ask for an urgent appointment with one of the doctors and please tell them what you've told us about how you're feeling.

Depression is a treatable illness, there are many treatments available so you don't have to suffer any longer, there is help for you.

Please do come back tomorrow and let us know how you got on :hugs:

26-08-13, 22:22
Anyone heard from Mellus999?


26-08-13, 22:31
He hasn't been back on since he did this post.

26-08-13, 22:59
Thanks Nicola.



27-08-13, 00:24
I do hope that he's all right. Hopefully he's gone and got some help now.