View Full Version : New job, ibs/anxiety

18-08-13, 09:43
Hi all,
Seems the mind does control tummy, I have been suffering ibs since a bad virus, but how can you help your ibs/ panic, when you have anxiety. I'm on citalopram and often, immodium, as the more anxious I am the worse m stomach is. So started a new job last week, on the Friday had a massive pa ic attack after having sandwich which probably shouldn't have had, 2 hours later had sweats and had to dash to loo 3 times , really embarrassing as new company, new people, this of course gave me panic attack as wondering what they were all thinking.
Now I feel anxious about going in Tuesday , how to stop the anxiety bout having same situation happening again.
It's a nightmare.


18-08-13, 13:22
Hi all,
Seems the mind does control tummy, I have been suffering ibs since a bad virus, but how can you help your ibs/ panic, when you have anxiety. I'm on citalopram and often, immodium, as the more anxious I am the worse m stomach is. So started a new job last week, on the Friday had a massive pa ic attack after having sandwich which probably shouldn't have had, 2 hours later had sweats and had to dash to loo 3 times , really embarrassing as new company, new people, this of course gave me panic attack as wondering what they were all thinking.
Now I feel anxious about going in Tuesday , how to stop the anxiety bout having same situation happening again.
It's a nightmare.


Firstly well done on getting and starting a new job! :D
I know how tough it is when you have anxiety and have to start a new job. I started a new job about two weeks ago and was so anxious in starting it. I can't really say anything about the IBS as I don't suffer from it. The only advice I can give is to try and distract yourself from the anxious thoughts. There's no guarantee that it will happen again on Tuesday but if it does just take it in its strive. You could always tell your manager/supervisor that you suffer from IBS. Try to forget what other people are thinking and concentrate on yourself. It doesn't matter what they are thinking anyway. They're probably concentrating on doing their job and probably didn't even notice you going to the toilet. Try and relax. If your IBS is getting out of hand go to your GP and maybe ask for advice about how to control it or if there's any other medication for it. Maybe once you settle into your new job your anxiety may lessen and so may your IBS.

Remember there are thousands who suffer from IBS and have jobs so if they can do it so can you!