View Full Version : Heart / chest symptoms

Anxious lu
18-08-13, 10:39
I have slowly felt my health anxiety creeping back.. Started to obsess over feelings an sensations in the body..

I was at work yesterday talking to a customer and I felt like a drop in my heart like that feeling you get In the pit of your stomach when something goes wrong but in my chest.. It wooded around me and I felt dizzy and faint I tried to ignore it and it subsided but as the customer left it happened again like a hot adrenaline sensation but in my chest.. I had to walk away and sit down then got sent home..

I feel like I recognised the sensation from previous anxiety issues but can't get over the fact it may be heart failure or something :-( scared its going to happen again it seems to be for no reason and so had to explain the sensation..

18-08-13, 10:48
Hi Lucy.... Have just pmed you..

Yes it sounds like a clear cut case of a Anxiety attack... For some reason you just got overwhelmed.

As you know a lot of factors could have caused that feeling and nearly everyone of them would not be heart related, but because you have had worries about your heart before it is the first thing that comes to the front of the list.

Lucy you have overcome this kind of thing before and there is no reason why you can't again and after all this could only be a small bleep on your recovery, We all go through it and I still do even though I don't really worry to much about my Heart Anxiety anymore but it still catches me unaware now and again.

18-08-13, 11:08
Hello my HA has kicked back in with heart issues also.
Hope they resolve :)

Anxious lu
18-08-13, 13:34
thank you for the replies.. so far so good today at work :-) to be honest I had previously had a few very stressful very upsetting days and although I didn't feel effected or wasn't thinking of these things at the time they could have just overwhelmed me..

it is just so scary everytime :(