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View Full Version : new here and going a bit crazy

18-08-13, 10:50
hi. i have had anxiety for years on and off. mostly general anxiety but also health anxiety which is what is bothering me now.

i came off anti depressents in 2006 and have generally coped ok without them, panic/anxiety attacks were few and far between.

about 6 weeks ago i went to a and e as i had the worst pain in my stomach that i have ever experienced. the pain lasted all night and for a couple of days later.

at the hospital they did some blood tests (wbc was 16.8) , (urine test had ketones. )and ecg (ecg because my heartbeat was 149 beats per min but i was stressed to the max)
the doc asked if i had chest pain but i didn't. he asked if i ever had chest pain and i said i do when i have panic attack (which mostly lasts a few hours/days on and off). i was asking what was wrong with the ecg as the docs were all talking amongst themselves about it and they just said you need to have fluids and it is ok just your pulse is too fast. i was then transferred to another hospital as they thought i had gall bladder inflamation or appendicitis.

at the other hospital my pulse and blood pressure had come down to 90bpm and blood pressure ti 120/85. it did go up again at some points when i was very anxious.

in the end they discharged me diagnosing possible uti and giving me antibiotics.

however before i left i read the ecg printout and it said 'abnormal consider inferior ischemia. so when i got back home i googled it :(

so then then after i did that i got short of breath even at rest and random chest pain. this went on for a week or so. then i convinced myself it is just anxiety and the docs would have not let me go if they were concerned.

it went away then for 4 weeks like there was never anything wrong.

however for the past 2 weeks i have got it again the shortness of breaTh (i can't get a deep breath)/chest pain etc etc. so i googled more and now convinced i have something serious wrong. my nose all feels bunged i feel like i have a tickly cough but i don't need to cough and my heart keeps racing . i feel like i am suffocating.

if i walk anywhere or i run upstairs the pain is no worse nor is the breathing. when i wake up in the morning i feel fine for about an hour then it is there the feeling of not getting a deep breath, the chest pain is only when i have over breathed. i also feel like tight in my throat today and yesterday i had neck ache. it is driving me mad.

i went to the docs after the first panic episode to have my fbc done again and it was all fine but i not been about this breathing buisness incase it is just anxiety and they think i am an hypochodriac.

sorry for rambling on my first post. need someone who understands.