View Full Version : Newbie

18-08-13, 11:04
Hello Everyone my name is Natasha (Nat for short) I am 40 years old, I live with my (Female) partner we have been together almost 11 years this year, you get less for murder lol....

I have depreesion and panic attacks I also have Dissociative Identity Disoder (DID), I don't see anyone at the moment but I am planning to see a therapist in September for the first time in years.

I am also an abuse survivor

I hope I get to meet people soon

Hugs Natasha

18-08-13, 12:28
Welcome to the forums Natasha. I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

18-08-13, 14:17
Thanks for the welcome sparkles x

18-08-13, 14:57
Good on you Natasha. One of the most important things I've learnt is not to over react to a bad day or few hours. I learnt the hard way - I know I've prolonged episodes in the past by over analysing/panicking over bad times rather than just accepting them and saying "that was rubbish, but I'm moving on, that's how recovery is."
Another new girl

18-08-13, 18:27
Recovery is sometimes harder than we think it's going to be or meant to be.

Hang in there x

18-08-13, 21:03
hey Natasha, welcome, I have panick attacks too and suffer anxiety. I hope you get the support you deserve. Welcome :)

18-08-13, 21:04
Thank you Wayne