View Full Version : rumbling in one ear

18-08-13, 11:36
hi guys.last few days i have got this constant rumbling in my right ear..i do have tinnitus in both ears that i have had for years ,but that is more of a ringing in both of my ears..this rumbling is like a pulsing rumbling like a car ticking over..has anyone had or got this ,is it anxiety , iv put a cotton bud in my ear and they seem clean,

18-08-13, 13:15
I had this really bad last year and it increased my anxiety so much. It was worse when I lay down to sleep. I saw my doctor who told me my ears looked fine and it was just caused by anxiety. Funny enough...once he told me it was nothing to worry about it seemed to go away :unsure:

18-08-13, 14:16
Ohh ok thanks annie..i did think it maybe anxiety..bugger this illness always something eles.

18-08-13, 21:04
Ohh ok thanks annie..i did think it maybe anxiety..bugger this illness always something eles.

Can only second what Annie says, sometimes it sounds to like something has burst in my ear or a rush of water needs to get out! Very disconcerting but perfectly normal/safe.

Indeed, this bugger of an illness is a bloody good poker player

19-08-13, 00:56
Greg I agree with the others that it could well be anxiety, I've had and felt the weirdest things through anxiety, which as you rightly say is a bitch of an illness at times!!!

It could also be a little build up of fluid in the little tube in your inner ear, I get this all the time, I hear all sorts of noises, clunks and clangs but it's just the fluid moving about in the tube. This is even more likely if you've recently had a cold or a spell of hay fever, but whatever it is, it's nothing nasty just annoying :)

19-08-13, 05:00
When my mum gets sinus infections she gets a noise in her ears, she uses nose spray to help flush everything out and the doctor gives her some type of tablets but I can't recall what they are.

You should see if you might need to get your ears cleaned at the doctors.

19-08-13, 06:44
I have tinnitus too and have just begun with the pulsating noise! It is much more annoying than any of my others, including my 'tiny wee police siren' which goes "WheeeOOWheeeOOO" at a very high pitch! lol I haven't Googled but I am sure I have read (perhaps even on here) that it is a perfectly normal tinnitus noise. Auntie M, your comments were helpful to me, thank you!

My doctor has recently sternly forbidden me ever to use cotton buds again - I pass this on to spare you possible humiliation in the future! ;)

Daisy Sue
19-08-13, 06:51
I've suffered a few ear infections recently, and I also have tinnitus anyway, so I'm used to squeaks, whooshes, and partial deafness, unfortunately! I agree with Speranza re the cotton buds.. I've been told to never put anything sharper than my elbow in my ear :D

One thing that might help a little is to pinch both nostrils and blow, gently.. apparently this equalises the vacuum within your ear canals. Don't do it too hard though, or it can hurt.

19-08-13, 11:50
Yhankyou guys for all your advice..makes me feel much better now...ill try to ignore it and get on with my life...thanks again

19-08-13, 12:40
I have the same was doing my deep breathing excersises lying down and those noises were there, being due to anxiety is typical as another symptom, well there u go wil have to adjust to it ,

19-08-13, 14:10
The other night I sang myself to sleep - who cares what the neighbours thought, it drowned out the ear noises! :D

20-08-13, 23:40
The other night I sang myself to sleep - who cares what the neighbours thought, it drowned out the ear noises! :D

Love it Speranza :roflmao:

If you do have fluid trapped in that little tube there is something you can get on prescription..........if you feel you're up for a laugh!!!

This is a true story and yes, I did actually do it and yes, it does actually work after a while.............

I went to my doctor because I was sooo deaf because of fluid in my ear...........he said there's something you can try...........get ready and save this for Christmas, would make a great game for after Christmas Dinner!!

When you've collected your prescription................you get home, undo the box and you're greeted with some little white balloons, there is a little attachment that you fix onto the balloon, you then block one nostril with your finger and you place the little white balloon into your other nostril........and then you blow, and your little white balloon inflates..........once you, and anyone else in the room has finished laughing with hysterics, you can do the same thing with the other nostril, if you so wish!!!! :winks:

It's the pressure of when you're blowing up the little balloon that helps clear the fluid from the little tube, it took me roughly 4 weeks to get rid of mine, but it does work!!!


I've just done a search and you can actually buy this without a prescription, Amazon stock it as do Boots.

Here's a couple of pics..............



21-08-13, 08:58
Ha ha.great story..i might have to give itva go.rumbling is a lot less now..so maybe it was fluid and its slowley going..

21-08-13, 09:02
We will have to have an NMP balloon party :)

21-08-13, 09:33
Lol.sounds good to me Annie.:D

21-08-13, 10:28
I got tinnitus after taking quetiapine ,some days it drives me nuts !

21-08-13, 11:31
Iv had mine now for years Andy..i got mine after taking drugs..i have ringing in both ears..im so used to it tho...at night in bed im used to hearing it.if it stoped it would feel quite strange not to have it..other days i get a rumbling on top in both ears..that i dont like because i can hear it in the daytime

10-03-15, 14:04
I have had the rumbling noise in both ears too for a number of years, mainly notice it at night. Has anyone else every experienced dizziness with it. I've had a couple of occasions at night or on waking where I hear the noise, my ear feels plugged up but the room feels like it is spinning too. I think it's all linked. I remember my mum suffering similarly when I was young. She has métier disease and hearing loss. I also get loads of other anxiety symptoms.

01-05-15, 10:49
I have his now , it doesn't cause me anxiety though as i have it a few times and i know it isn't serious .

It's just a niusence but if i put my finger in my ear it stops lol ,thing is I can't walk about with one finger in my ear people would look at me gone out :D

01-05-15, 11:06
Love it Speranza :roflmao:

If you do have fluid trapped in that little tube there is something you can get on prescription..........if you feel you're up for a laugh!!!

This is a true story and yes, I did actually do it and yes, it does actually work after a while.............

I went to my doctor because I was sooo deaf because of fluid in my ear...........he said there's something you can try...........get ready and save this for Christmas, would make a great game for after Christmas Dinner!!

When you've collected your prescription................you get home, undo the box and you're greeted with some little white balloons, there is a little attachment that you fix onto the balloon, you then block one nostril with your finger and you place the little white balloon into your other nostril........and then you blow, and your little white balloon inflates..........once you, and anyone else in the room has finished laughing with hysterics, you can do the same thing with the other nostril, if you so wish!!!! :winks:

It's the pressure of when you're blowing up the little balloon that helps clear the fluid from the little tube, it took me roughly 4 weeks to get rid of mine, but it does work!!!


I've just done a search and you can actually buy this without a prescription, Amazon stock it as do Boots.

Here's a couple of pics..............



One things for sure, you would have to very carefully read the instructions before trying it given the suspiciously shaped "inserting" tool :winks::roflmao:

01-05-15, 12:58
Hi Greg, I think this type of thing can be caused by a blockage of the eustachian tubes or fluid in them or something?

I've had a rumbling in my left ear since childhood called a venuous hum, it's annoying but benign. I'm not even sure what causes it but I saw a special ear doctor and he said it was ok. It sounds like stones being rubbed together (or something) and is in time with my pulse. It only stops when I put my head in certain positions or put pressure on my jugular! But I hardly notice it anymore- same with the tinnitus.

Take care :)

01-05-15, 17:11
It turned out to be a build up of wax.had it sorted with the doctor.all sorted now and gone

01-05-15, 18:31
mine are clear no wax just a stupid rumbling lol , glad you got sorted

01-05-15, 22:54
I have tinitis.in both ears i had it for years now and am so used to it..in fact if it stoped it would feel quite weired..funny that..its so normal to me having ringing in both ears its become the norm over the years.to be honest if it went and was all quiert,i dont think i would like it

02-05-15, 13:42
I sometimes have a low rumbling sound in my ear when I lay down. It's sort a deep, gentle pulsing sound and feels like there's a bit of pressure there. I went to the doctor too and got my ears checked. Ears were fine and the doc said it was anxiety. Looks like this is a common one for us anxiety sufferers.