View Full Version : Struggling

18-08-13, 11:39
Hi All

Really struggling today its day 13 on my citalopram and i havent felt any better since the day i started, still full of constant anxiety and the mind just doesnt switch off from the minute i wake until i go back to bed again, its got me so exhausted its coming in with all the what ifs negatives and im trying to change them to what if positives!

I have had a really upset tummy this morning feel really bad because my partner has had to go and do the food shop himself i know im not well enough to go but the anxiety thinks its won! i hate being in the house on my own it makes me more anxious i wont settle until i know hes home safely.

I really wish something would come along and help me change the way im thinking i look in the mirror and i just dont recognize myself anymore just a month ago i was so positive about life now i just get through my days wishing them away until i feel better. Im that exhausted i just dont have any fight left in me.

Thanks for reading it helps to just get everything out i know im not alone, this site is a godsend so you dont feel so alone.

18-08-13, 11:42
So sorry you are not feeling good today sending you my best wishes:hugs: Maybe just a little longer on the Cit and it may start to work. Do you have any valium to help you through these early stages?


Daisy Sue
18-08-13, 11:44
You're not alone.

So sorry you're having such a hard time, but hang on in there.. it'll get better, and you'll get your old you back.

If the meds haven't started to help in another couple of weeks, maybe go back to your GP & have a chat, you might need something different, or need the dose adjusting.


18-08-13, 11:53
Thanks for the replys no i dont have any vallium but doc gave me propranolol last week 10mg 3 x a day to see if that would help. Its so hard just to get through each day at the mo, cant wait for it to change and then i can start enjoying life again.

18-08-13, 12:07
hang in there Moonspirit x

I found propranolol debilitating when I took it years ago as I have low blood pressure so adding propranolol floored me....but I hear it helps many people


18-08-13, 21:07
hey moonspirit. keep your head high and your heart strong you can beat it. theres lots of good people on here and we have to think positive as much as possible as our brain believes whatever message we send it.so we need to make that message positive as often as possible.

18-08-13, 21:21
feel so sorry for you reading that. its so horrible hopefully ur meds will help soon it can take six weeks tho. im too afraid to take mine. dr gave me 10mg propranolol too and i just take it once a day as i panic about medication so i took it at bedtime to begin with and now i take it in the morning. its stopped my heart bearig out of my chest which is great. hope you feel better soon. my anxiety doesnt keep me from going out but my mind races constantly as im suffering with a constant rocking dizziness :( x

18-08-13, 21:38
Every sympathy as im on 40mg citalopram, now for 2wks previously 20mg for 1 wk, fine at first but at mo iffy in morn anxious just same as u, been prescribed diazepan when needed. needed it last thurs, fri and sat but not taking them if I can help it as ill sat, so doing lots of diaphram breathing, I lie down and breath deep breaths through the stomachfor bt 15mins as many times as I can through the day, doing mindfullnesss meditation at night,

It does take uo to 6wks which ob does not help when u feel bad, but bare with it, do those excersises


20-08-13, 16:34
Thanks for your responses

It is such a struggle and i really feel for anyone that has to go through this horrible illness.
Im having a really horrible day but up all night with really bad muscular pain around the heart area that goes into the back and it had such a horrible burning sensation with it. So having a very anxious day as only managed about 2hrs sleep. But now im really worry because my partner has a job interview if he gets the job its over an hour travelling and im terrified of being on my own its very selfish of me to think this way as he was made redundant a year ago and he would love to be back in work but the anxiety is just clinging onto it, i cant believe im like this selfish but terrified.

thanks for reading