View Full Version : Festival Advice Needed

18-08-13, 16:14
Hi everyone

I'm off to Leeds festival next weekend and to be honest, i'm not feeling great about it. I went 6 years ago and was fine, but this was before I had any anxiety/panic problems. I'm worrying about everything; the train/taxi journey there, the crowds, the lack of sleep, not being able to escape if I need to etc etc.

If anybody has any advice, it would be massively appreciated. I really want to be able to enjoy myself!


18-08-13, 19:22
You can always go back to your tent and hide - if you have one. That is what I do when camping and had enough. Otherwise, enjoy, wish I was going you lucky devil.

18-08-13, 20:32
I've spent a lot of my last ten years going to festivals. I found that the most important things for me were my own private space and good sleep. I assume you're camping. Take your own dome tent. Make sure it's a double layer tent and not a cheap single skin one.

I didn't care what went on around me, but when I was closed safely in my tent I felt fine. Not sure if this applies for you, but for most of us here, getting a good sleep is imperative to our anxiety. Sleeping on the hard floor is horrible and camping mats do NOTHING so if you can't afford a proper camping bed, go to a cheap shop and buy a lilo. A cheap one is only a couple of quid and they don't take long to blow up without a pump! Ear plugs are ESSENTIAL not just for sleeping but for the loud music. I'm a music photographer, not some old man who hates loud music!

Avoid caffeine drinks like red bull and monster etc. Find a nice area to camp thats both close enough to the main ground but far enough away to be quiet.

I always found that earplugs didn't block out enough of the noise when I tried to go to sleep so I have some really good noise blocking in ear, earphones so I put some quiet music or audio book on which helps drown out a bit more noise.

Just do whatever you feel comfortable with. If your friends are off all night in the large crowds and you don't feel comfortable, don't. Just wonder around by yourself or stand at the back of the crowds. That's my technique! I would tell my friends I'm off to see other bands or off to get a drink but I would really be stood further back with a clear line to the exit in sight if needed.

I know exactly your anxieties about this. I've been there and done that many times and in many different countries. Lying in bed in hospital right now, it scares the heck out of me thinking how I ever managed it!

Not sure if you're a drinker or anything but be a bit careful with that. I was always tempted to drink a bit more because it takes away a lot of that anxiety, but then the next day I would have a crippling hangover and the sleep we have when drunk, isn't proper sleep so tiredness would always be a pain in the backside the next day. There is NO CHANCE of a lie in at such a large festival either!

Just do whatever you want that you feel comfortable with. Lastly, take a few emergency items that might help you if you do feel anxious. For me, that's a crossword puzzle or something. Takes up no room at all in your bag! Don't forget a torch! And save your phone battery!! Mordern phones are dead within 24 hours! They are a great distraction for me when I'm anxious!

The MOST Important thing is HAVE FUN!!!!!! Go watch some of the bands I've worked with and am friends with like While She Sleeps, Bring Me The Horizon, Bury Tomorrow, Crossfaith, Feed The Rhino etc!!