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View Full Version : Head/neck pain?

18-08-13, 18:13
Right so I've had this sharp pain on my left side that goes from my neck up to the back of my ear and sometimes up to my temple been to the drs they think its a trapped nerve or something, I'm still really worried its something serious as had it for 5 weeks now my eyes are also really sensitive to light just wondering if anyone can help me? Don't write on here if you're Gona make me worry even more because this is taking over my life I'm worried sick its a brain Tumor or something :( please help!!!!

19-08-13, 23:56
could be tmj. i get it every now and again and it lasts a while. it is due to clenching my teeth when i sleep.

Daisy Sue
20-08-13, 00:00
Do your eyes feel gritty & watery as well as being light-sensitive?

I had headaches like this for a few years, and was diagnosed with various things, neuralgia being one of them. In the end I'm convinced it was actually my HRT that was the culprit, as when I stopped them, the headaches went. But yeah, they were very similar to yours, travelling up from the left base of my neck, up & over to my eye on that side, and down through to my jaw.

22-08-13, 12:45
Yeah I often get eye sensitivity the pains been on and off started gettin it agen today but in a different place this time still on my left side but behind the top of my ear, its really worrying me even though I've been to the doctors and they don't seem overly concerned about it they keep saying it could be a nerve problem because im a hairdresser im always bending and standing for long periods of time but this pain is sudden and really hurts then after seconds its gone but the docs haven't diagnosed anything yet, just need some advice because I'm petrified its something majorly serious, thanks xx