View Full Version : Inflammatory breast cancer?? Pain in only one breast

18-08-13, 21:14
For the past 2 weeks, I have had shooting pains in my right breast and armpit. The right breast is a little more full than the left one, but I think it has always been that way. Pain is always there, it's dull and stabbing pain. No discoloration or inverted nipple or rash, but the pain is now in my back and I feel like sometimes it's in my chest.... I can't help but think about inflammatory breast cancer because of the horrible pain. I'm so worried that one of these days, I will wake up and my breast will be two times the size it is.....

The other thing is, my partner and I are getting ready to relocate do lots of stress.... I am prone to health anxiety so I know I freak out a lot.... But in mind, I just feel like it's not possible for this to be anxiety. It's only one side and the pain is truly there....

Any input or thoughts greatly appreciated :)

18-08-13, 21:43
Inflammatory breast disease usually shows itself as a rash or abcess symptoms which is why it is often misdiagnosed as a breast infection. I personally know someone who had it and have seen what it looked like.

could it be muscular pain that is radiating into your breast??

I get this from having spine problems and have it for many years on and off. With me it lasts about a week or two then goes away, sometimes its prickly as well as if I have got something sharp in my bra but its all coming from my spine.

Obviously for your peace of mind if you have had it more than 2 weeks then see your Dr for reassurance.