View Full Version : How much is in the mind?

19-08-13, 09:24
Hi everyone

I've had building anxiety over the past few days and I've taken myself off my medication so I've got no way of managing it.

I'm beginning to have stomach pains and burning and also an upset stomach since yesterday and I was wondering how much of that would be related to my mental state rather than a physical cause?

I used to go to the doctors several times a week but am now phobic of doctors and tests so I don't know what to do. Since I had my little boy I've had terrible muscle pain in the left side of my back- I think from the way I'm lifting him and carrying him but I'm so convinced that I've got cancer all over my body.

Things are so bad today that I'm even finding it hard to even lift my head up.

Sorry for a down post but I've got nowhere else...


19-08-13, 10:46
Overcome your fears and go get a blood test. It will clear up most of your anxieties.

19-08-13, 12:05
I've made an appointment with my doctor (who I have an excellent relationship with) for the end of this week. I'm not sure I will be able to get the words out. I don't think I have the strength at the moment to go through tests, I'm hoping she'll say I don't need any? Is there a chance that what I'm feeling is anxiety?

19-08-13, 13:11
"I've had building anxiety over the past few days and I've taken myself off my medication so I've got no way of managing it." "Is there a chance that what I'm feeling is anxiety?"



Stands mum
19-08-13, 13:38
Hi - I remember you posting before when I was also experiencing bad HA. I'm sorry you're feeling bad again.

I am worried that you just stopped taking your meds - did you speak to your Dr about it? Did you cut them down gradually? Sorry if you have done all this, but if you didn't then I'd say this is a big part of why you feel so bad.

I know you say your are trying for another baby and that's why you stopped talking them but there are anti-depressants that you can take when trying to conceive and pregnant. Speak to your dr if you haven't already.

Take care

19-08-13, 13:42
Definitely. I experienced the same sort of symptoms with my stomach. My doctor prescribed Nexium and it really helped. I know that my anxiety caused excessive acid because now that I am better I no longer have the problem. I also think that your back pain is muscular. When we are tense our muscles get tight and carrying a weight of some type can cause injury. That is why exercise programs stress the importance of warming up before exercising.

19-08-13, 14:24
The symptoms are not in the mind, they are real. It's the faulty way that you deal with the symptoms (catastrophising) that is the difference between those with health anxiety and those without.

The mind can definitely make symptoms worse, but often the pain/sensation is just a physical variation of normal with no apparent cause. Eg a random pain in your knee.

19-08-13, 19:22
Thanks everyone, you've helped me get through the day. I've noticed that my symptoms haven't been too obvious today and I think that's because I'm busy at work. If it was something serious, would it be more obvious?

---------- Post added at 19:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:28 ----------

I'm home now and my mind is going wild- what if its pancreatic cancer? Or bowel cancer? I'm so tearful and scared- why does this always happen when my family come to visit?