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19-08-13, 11:07
so worried theres something wrong with me!!!!! rececntly changed tablets for anxiety was on 40mg of citralopram after having a baby 6 months ago felt anxiety was getting worse so GP has changed tablets to sertraline. Started on 50mg side effects were awful- sikness, headaches, trapped wind, trouble sleeping, dizzyness. Went back to GP he decided to up meds to 100mg its been 2 weeks since increase in meds and im feeling so anxious everyday, dizzy, head fullness, sharp pains that come and go at sides of head, difficulty sleeping and a new 1 visual disturbances such as bright lights and shakey vision. I generally feel awful and are constantly feel there is a serious underlying health problem i.e. BRAIN TUMOUR. Can any1 relate to these symptoms and do you really believe thay are all just anxiety related??? im really struggling :weep::weep::weep:

19-08-13, 11:19
Hi Shelley.

Sorry to hear this.

One thing, you have recognised it is anxiety? Well done in that first step. You know therefore realise that anxiety can be helped (even without meds).

The symptoms you're feeling are likely in tune with your anxiety and until you find a way to distract yourself from them and fight them you will inevitably feel the symptoms alongside the anxiety. Every person has their own answer but using the information and resources on here should help by relating to other peoples findings.

Best of luck.

And a further question to the guys here with regards to meds...

Do they help? I personally try to let the body fight the fight and/or find answers from within. I'd imagine taking meds (constant reminder of anxiety) to further increase the issue... Thoughts?

19-08-13, 11:44
Thanx for reading my post. I personally couldnt have survived without meds!! However not sure if this is all in my head, feeling that if i dont take meds anxiety will be much worse. Did try and not start on meds but wasnt dealing with anxiety well on my own. I know i have HA but deep in my thoughts i am still convinced that the symptoms are some horrible illness.

19-08-13, 12:01
What you are describing is very common for people with anxiety- the moment you can make the breakthrough to understanding that what you have is a problem with your thought processes and not a physical problem, I promise you you'll feel so much better.

I was put on 100mg of sertraline and felt sick and dizzy for weeks. Feeling more anxious is also a common side effect. Anti-anxiety tablets are very powerful things and take a while to settle into your system without making you feel off. Some tablets just don't work for some people so if you still feel this bad in a week or so it might be worth talking to your doctor again.

Try to relax- I had a baby 12 months ago and it takes a while for your body and hormones to settle. This won't be helping you at the moment and I expect you are very tired which will make everything seem worse. This is all normal stuff so if you can take a moment to look at everything you've been through recently and what you are going through at the moment, you will probably see some very rational explanations for the way you are feeling.

Good luck and I'm always here if you need anything x