View Full Version : Just diagnosed...........

19-08-13, 16:28
Hello every one.

Well today I have been diagnosed with OCD.
From when I was little when life has got stressful I have had obsessive thoughts and things I have to do to feel safe. I have ignored it for too long because I have felt embarrassed and haven't known how to tell any one but lately it has just got too much!
I have awful intrusive thoughts of some one hurting my family and I picture it in my head and every thing and feel bad for picturing it but it's like I have no control over it at all.
Then there's things I have to do to feel safe. It is normally little things like having something a certain way and then checking it 3 times to make sure its still like it and touching things a certain amount of times.
Then I check on my 7 year old son constantly. I see he's ok and fast asleep in his bed and so I get into my own bed but then I suddenly feel panicky again and think what if some thing happens to him, it will be my fault for not checking on him enough.
It has just got so bad lately. It takes over my life and I feel tearful, upset and anxious constantly :-(

I am on citalopram 40mg. The dr did say I could try some thing else but I have to come off the citalopram so I said I would see how it goes over the next few days. She is going to get the mental health team to ring me as I have already had counselling and cbt before my anxiety and they didn't seem to help but now I'm thinking maybe I should say about cbt again because before it was focussed on the anxiety but now I would be focussing on the ocd?
Another thing that worries me and is making me feel really anxious is would the dr tell social services about my ocd and tell them I can't cope with my son because I'm constantly checking and obsessing about him? I'm really scared and wish I hadn't gone to the drs now because I keep getting obsessive thoughts that they would take him away and it terrifies me :-(

Sorry it's been so long. Thanks for reading xxx

19-08-13, 20:06
A doctor would only contact social services if they felt the child was at risk of harm. Clearly your son is not at risk of harm, if anything your OCD means you take better care of him than other parents might because you are constantly checking on him!

What you describe is really classic OCD symptoms relating to harm/violence/fear or 'something bad' happening. If the citalopram isn't helping you then perhaps consider the doctors advice of changing to something different. I think another course of CBT (or another therapy) which is targeted at your OCD thoughts could be very beneficial. Hang in there, it will get better with help and over time.

21-08-13, 13:49
Hello. Thank you so much for replying Yenool.
I know rationally there's no need for social services to be informed but it worries me. Guess that's OCD for you, the obsessive thoughts!
I hate that the OCD is so much worse during times of stress. I'm trying to stay stress free but it's very hard lol xx