View Full Version : It's all getting to me again :(

19-08-13, 16:30
My arms are feeling heavy and weird and my head is dizzy most days - even though I've had a clear MRI I'm still obsessed its MS do you think I'm just over reacting and over thinking or does the MRI not always show it?

I'm just terrified all the time - I get black floaters a bit too so I went for an eye test the other day and I told them - they had a very good look round my eye and said they are fine, but I need to pop in for a dilation test or something - I feel like I won't settle until I have an answer for my symptoms and anxiety isn't good enough because (and I know everyone says this) but I wasn't anxious when they came on :(

I keep thinking but listen to yourself you started having the symptoms shortly after a relative (distant) had been diagnosed so maybe you weren't consciously anxious but you were subconsciously and then I think - or am I kidding myself.

I'd be happy if someone said look the reason you are getting these symptom is for eg, you are deficint on B12 or Iron or something then I take a supplement and they go away! That's my ideal situation - I just want an answer and a resolution and until I do I feel I'll always be worried MS diagnosis is round the corner :(

19-08-13, 16:38
I know how you feel. I posted a month or so ago saying I had been convinced I had MS, completely and utterly convinced. I've never felt depressed/anxious/stressed and these symptoms came from nowhere.

Went to the Doc and he said it was anxiety. I was relieved, but even now can't quite believe it - he didn't send me to a neuro, no MRI scan, how could he know by looking at me? I did get a full blood count that came back clear for everything. However, even last week I had a strange numbness in my toe, that made me start wondering again, and before I knew it, I had tingles all over, a headache etc.

If you've seen the Doc and been given the all clear, all you can do is put your faith in them and accept that they usually know better than us!

I've had floaters since I was late teens, and the optician at the time told me its nothing to worry about. I find they come and go a little.

easier said than done I know, but try and relax and put it aside!

19-08-13, 16:48
Thanks Dave - it's so hard I just want to go back to how I was a year ago, full of energy- never ill and happy!
The optician did say the floaters that are black are extremely common and I've had laser surgery so it could be something to do with that - the doctor and neuro say I don't have ANY 'clinical' MS signs so eye pain or going out, balance, strength etc problems etc but they did the scan anyway the neuro was lovely he said I would normally say not to scan after assessing you but I can see how much this is worrying you (I kept crying like a baby) so he said I'll let you decide if you have an MRI - then I said yes of course and it came out fine but I keep thinking hmm that was a couple months ago what if its developed since!!


19-08-13, 18:27
13 years ago I was in exactly the same position as you. I thought a clear MRI would allay my fears and it would all go away but it didn't. I guess by that time I was so sensitised to everything that my brain was still sending out all the wrong signals. It was only when I went onto ADs that things settled down and I could finally accept there was nothing physically wrong with me. On the whole I have been ok in all this time but I am still on the mess. Came off them for a while when I thought I was better but the symptoms came back and so I went back on them. Even now I still get times when I have all those symptoms you have described. Not all together and not as bad as all those years ago. Like you, I would and still do find myself saying "but I wasn't anxious until these symptoms started. I am a happy and positive person so why is this happening to me?" I know what you mean when you say you just want it to be "something" that you can address. The first step to get back on that road to normal is accepting that there is no "something". Of course eating healthily, taking exercise, not drinking too much, getting enough sleep etc will help you but ultimately acceptance is the way forward. It's not easy and if I were in your position right now I would probably not be convinced as its hard to accept that your mind can do this to you. The chances of something like MS developing in the time since your MRI are practically non-existent. Please don't go looking for something else to match your symptoms to. I've been there and it's such a waste. I really do hope you can think hard about this and move forward. I wish you well.
Sal x