View Full Version : I always take Valium I never ride it out

Mrs Anxious
19-08-13, 17:41
Hi all
I haven't been on here fr a couple if months as felt much better no panic attacks I am currently withdrawing from citalopram 40mg I am now on 10mg I've done this over 3 months with the hope of being totally off them by September, however just lately again I have been getting bad panic attacks again but as soon as it gets to the point where I start shaking and my teeth are chattering I take a 2mg Valium cos I know this will stop it I have had the attack with no med 10 years ago and "rode it out" I ended up in A&E any advice? Am I safe to take the Valium? This was my first attack in 2 months

19-08-13, 18:23
I would say yes as long as you dont do it too often and start getting used to it!

19-08-13, 19:32
It really depends how often it's happening. You should check with your doctor. But if it remains an infrequent thing then it's probably OK.

Keep in touch with your doctor as you come off the citalopram. Hopefully this will be a obe off, but if the panic attacks become more frequent then a low dose of citalopram might be a good thing. Hopefully though, you will be able to cone off them as planned. Good luck!

20-08-13, 00:27
just out of curiosity, what would happen if you had no valium?


Mrs Anxious
20-08-13, 09:50
just out of curiosity, what would happen if you had no valium?


I have no idea... I have suffered with anxiety for 17 years and in the past if I have had a panic attack I have ended up in A&E.... I think knowing I have the Valium here is helping me not to have them frequently like I used to

20-08-13, 10:54
Nothing would happen. You'd just feel worse and worse until it got better, which it always does.

I would suggest perhaps giving yourself a prescribed period of time after you think you absolutely have to take the Valium before you actually do. So let's say you get to the point where you think you can't take it any more, then give it another 90 seconds. Slowly increase that amount of time until the point where it starts to naturally subside before you take the medication.

I've never taken meds for anxiety, despite them putting me in A&E and through hell on and off for several years, but I can tell that panic attacks ALWAYS end.