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View Full Version : Before I google heart disease ...

19-08-13, 18:42
Hi there, me (again). I've been quite relived today to be told I don't have a spinal tumor. That's one worry down, now another one obviously has taken over. Hello heart disease!

Chest pains and heart worries are what initially started my anxiety off. I've had 4 ECGs, 2 blood tests and 1 chest X-ray. All came back fine and dandy. So now I'm still getting chest pain, vicious pain near my ribs , side and back. I've been prodding and poking and the pain is worse than ever. It's got so much worse since I saw a doctor today, I'm now worried somethings been missed.

I'm also worrying in case I have some underlying heart disease that hasn't been picked up on the ECG/other tests. I'm only 22, but I'm overweight, which is worrying me. But I'm scared to exercise because of my chest pains (stupid I know).

I had some cholesterol issues when I was younger, which scares me now I know all about the heart issues etc. It's not been checked recently, yet I'm guessing that would be picked up on the blood tests at the hospital when I had the ECG etc.

I read a daily mail health story the other day (never ever read these! they don't help) about someone dying young from a heart attack due to high cholesterol from birth. Eek, so now I'm frightened, again!

Would I know if I had heart disease? Would I have other symptoms besides dizziness and chest pain?

I feel lightheaded a lot of the time, pains in my arms and legs. I cant cope with this back and chest pain, I'm sick and tired of being scared! Argh, rant over. Sorry if you've had to read this lol.

19-08-13, 19:26
hi dont panic, i am sure any symptoms are just driven by anxiety, i would say though if you worry about health issues then you would probably be happier if you got your weight in check i know its not easy i have changed my diet to a healthy regime and i can recommend it, i cut out sugar and carbs and have lost near to 5 stone, so good luck if you loose some weight it will make your heart health so much better blessings