View Full Version : Metronidazole ~ side affects or something else ?????

19-08-13, 19:00
Been managing my symptoms of health anxiety well for many years with the help of my cbt therapy.

Had a few stressful weeks and also was put on the above antibiotics for an infection.

2-3 days after taking them I am feeling a little shocking I feel really tired, feel sick and unable to finish a meal (never normally a problem) the weirdest thing for me though is every few mins or so I get a smell of flowers even though there are none around, I do not know why I have been ok up until this point but I am really worrying about these symptoms.

My rule for the last few years have been DO NOT GOOGLE symptoms, and I have resisted the urge but wanted some answers so thought I would ask here.

Thanks in advance

19-08-13, 19:03
These antibiotics are evil and have bad side-effects.

You need to complete the course and see how you feel afterwards

19-08-13, 19:17
I assume you are avoiding alcohol as well?

19-08-13, 19:18
I saw the word metronidazole and my stomach turned. I took those for a week last year and they were sooooo nasty. I couldn't wait to finish the pack they really do have some nasty side effects. You will feel better when u stop them just try to ride it out

19-08-13, 19:18
I've had these twice from the dentist as an alternative to penicillin as I'm allergic. First time I had them I was fine, no problems at all and the second time I couldn't complete the course as I was so ill. Make sure you take each dose with a full glass of water while stood up. It's important they don't get stuck in the oesphogus as they can burn. Also take with or after food and DON'T drink any alcohol or you'll be violently sick. In fact don't even inhale when you walk past a pub!!

Good luck and I hope you don't get any side effects, some people don't our bodies are all different.

19-08-13, 19:34
Thanks for your replies, I will complete the course. Finish on Friday. Not good that they have such bad side effects although makes me a little calmer.

Thanks again. :)

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

Oh and definitely avoiding alcohol, not a huge drinker anyway.

19-08-13, 20:25
I had these awful antibiotics for a tooth abscess and after taking about 4 doses I felt very ill, was going hot then cold and had vomitting and diarhoea. Not good when you have anxiety. As others have said DONT drink alcohol x

19-08-13, 20:36
I've had these antibiotics twice before following infections I had after treatment to my cervix, they are absolutely horrible.

I felt so sick, had the most awful taste in my mouth, stomach ache and generally felt really poorly on them.

I really feel for you they are horrible things but the side effects will dissapear once you stop taking them.

Take Care

19-08-13, 20:49
I've also taken these for a tooth abscess. They were awful but the most important thing is that they worked really well. As other members have said, don't touch any alcohol whilst you're taking them.


19-08-13, 21:17
Thanks for the further replies.

Hate taking something that makes me feel so bad, but knowing its not forever and I will be better helps. xx

24-08-13, 11:40
Thanks for everyone who replied, I finished the dose yesterday and yes I had a few dodgy days health wise, but feel so much better all round. x

24-08-13, 12:01
Good to hear you've finished these and are starting to feel better.

I thought I'd put my two penneth in about these nasty drugs. I took them in 1990 and didn't heed the no alcohol advice as I was on holiday :blush:. I experienced my first panic attack within an hour of taking the Metronidazole with half a lager and lime, as was my tipple at the time, and it was down hill from then. I have never felt so ill, faint, nauseas and almost delirious and it lasted throughout my holiday and I'm sure has led to my panic disorder now.

Knowledge is power and leads to understanding so on a positive note I know the trigger for my first panic attack and am working at overcoming the fear of feeling so physically ill.

Metronidazole is now known to cause a reaction similar to antabuse which is taken by people recovering from alcohol dependency if taken with alcohol.

I now heed the instructions on the box and don't drink at all!

Daisy Sue
24-08-13, 12:18
Glad to hear you've finished the course ok. I also shuddered when I saw 'Metronidazole' in the thread title.. I'm highly allergic - I was given it via IV in hospital many years back, and within minutes there were nurses & doctors rushing around... I honestly don't remember what my symptoms of intolerance were, I was too ill, but they gave me something to counteract it via IV, and I now wear a bracelet saying I'm allergic to it.

25-08-13, 04:38
These antibiotics are evil and have bad side-effects.

You need to complete the course and see how you feel afterwards

I fully agree!!!

I've been on them too for a tooth infection as I'm allergic to penicillin, I did not like them at all, they made me feel pretty ill, I did manage to finish the course and they did, in fact, kill the infection, but it's not an experience I'd like to have again!!!!! :wacko:

25-08-13, 22:04
I had these a little while ago for a gum infection. I can't take penicillin as I'm allergic.
Metronidazole made me feel terrible. Awful stomach cramps and nausea going right through my body. I ended up having to have a day off sick from work cos of how ill they made me. I managed 3 days of them before I gave up.

In the end I treated the infected gum with a special mouthwash instead. Took a while to go but anything was better than those pills.

26-08-13, 17:26
I've been on these tablets since last Tuesday for an infection. Is it just me or do they increase your anxiety and give you aches & pains?