View Full Version : Nausea on prozac

19-08-13, 19:38
I have just completed a month on Prozac. I can tell you what actually works to overcome the horrid nausea, which is now behind me.
There are many treatments that include ginger, I tried nearly all of them I won't bore you.
The one that worked for me is my own simple recipe.
Buy a fresh ginger root!
Peel the grey skin then cut one thin slice as if you were making a cucumber sandwich
(Not too thick) .......place on the back of your tongue and swallow with the help of milk.
Your nausea will be gone in half hour.
Repeat once in the morning then once in the afternoon I recommend this half an hour before trying to eat !!
Good luck I know what you are going through, stick with it, the nausea does not last.
