View Full Version : Brain fog destroying my creativity.

19-08-13, 19:58
While im not worrying about my health all the time, i try to plan out stories (like novel level of story). But i can't seem to get far because my brain always feels empty...like i can think of things but they are cloudy and rarely do ideas actually come to me. I believe it may have to do with my lifestyle, i am often on my own not talking to others (except parents, but i need to meet new people), at my computer, often watching youtube videos and the occasional movie (i prefer watching ones i haven't seen before, and often times im hard to please). Rarely play games as much as i used to but some new ones coming out i may focus on later this year.

I have been having more walks but they haven't really made me feel happier, just my body feels a little more healthy. Yesterday i had a friend of mine around, but for the most part i didn't talk to him since i felt so...tired and depressed. Thankfully he was very understanding and i walked home with him, but i feel bad about it. Im not taking any medication anymore but i did take prozac a few months back which pretty much made me a zombie.

So yeah, i hate this mode i am in right now...a lot.

20-08-13, 20:36
I also get brain fog, but I've found that exercise helps with it. Even if its a walk around the block, or a quick run. At first it made me even more tired but after I got into a routine my brain fog almost disappeared - and my creativity improved.

A great resource on creativity (in my opinion) is Julia Cameron's The Artists' Way (also applies to writers!)