View Full Version : convinced i have an underlying heart condition! please help!

19-08-13, 21:24
Im struggling to come to terms with the fact i have panic attacks.

I feel a sudden rush of heat and fear that leads to my heart racing, tapping my leg and tapping my hand against my chest so i cant feel my heart racing as much. I get extremely scared and immediatly want an ambulance... which i have done many times. I have now had a 24 hr ecg, 13 ecgs, blood tests and a chest xray and an echo.

All of which wete fine. I know i have generalised anxiety and oftem feel short of breath, sweaty, on edge, hate being on my own, choking sensation, funny vision ... the list is endless! But when i have these agfacks its such a scary and overwhelming feeling i really dont think its just a panic attack! There must be something else wrong with me!

This is ruining every aspect of my life! Please help!,

My doc has given me sertraline which im too scared to take incase i do have an underlying heart problem! :( please help


19-08-13, 22:42
After all those tests it is very, very, very unlikely that you have a heart condition. An echo picks up structural defects and the results are good for 5 years apparently. Ecgs show the electrical system and again, after so many, any issue would have been picked up.

The things you describe are all symptoms of panic and anxiety.

Please read ' Self Help for Your Nerves' by Dr Claire Weekes. Its a very comforting book and explains all the physical symptoms of anxiety in detail.

19-08-13, 22:58
I've heard quite a lot about this book so think I will give it a go! Thank you for your reply. I think it's just because at the time when I have these attacks I don't get funny breathing. And almost every single post I've read on here says that their breathing goes funny during an attack. Maybe I do it and don't notice or do you think it would be possible I could be getting panic attacks without that symptom? Xx

20-08-13, 09:00
Jen20 I don't hyperventilate or anything either. That's what worried me. My breathing is never q bother of mine. I too have the fear of an underlying heart condition although I have only had an Ecg so have little reassurance :-(