View Full Version : How to help and understand a friend with Health Anxiety

19-08-13, 22:45
I have a friend that has been consumed by worry of cancer for months now. She has jumped to what is now her thrd cancer worry in a year's time. She is 32, otherwise healthy although she complains of various symptoms which have changed depending on what cancer is the current scare. This person has had an endoscopy, two ultrasounds (neck and upper GI), an MRI (for a hamangioma on the liver which is apparnetly harmless), more blood tests than I can remember. Nothing has come back with anything bad. Now the worry is having a lower GI test. She thinks she has cancer in the intestins or colon and wants the lower GI test. She says she is sick to her stomach, has vague pains, and wont eat but is shocked she is losing weight and counts that as a symptom.

I want to help and have tried reassuring her over and over again but she wont listen and is getting mad at me for saying it could be anxiety. We both have anxiety and are both medicated on benzodiapenes for it. I guess it is possible that it could actually be something but as soon as she reads about another symptom she seems to get it.

How can I help or is it not even possible? I cant even mention anxiety anymore or she probably wont even talk to me. She claims she is sick to her stomach every day and so tired but she doesnt hardly eat (she has never had a good diet) will not go for walks or exercise, spends 90% of her time worrying. I have GAD and understand anxiety but not like this.

Please help me to understand how to help my friend.

20-08-13, 15:32
Hi, has your friend had any CBT? This may be helpful to her. Is she on any medication for anxiety?

20-08-13, 15:44
just talking and being there for her will help

20-08-13, 16:17
This link may be helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53