View Full Version : Relying on other people too much

19-08-13, 22:49
Hi all,

I don't think I've posted in this forum before. I've starting writing a post before but always end up feeling like a bit of a melon and deleting it :blush:

I suppose I could launch into a detailed description but really, all it boils down to is that I'm letting anxiety and stress impact on mine and my family's life way too much. I've been really lucky in the past few months and done more things than I had over the past five years but I'm struggling at the moment.

I have difficulty being alone (in case I get ill) and although I've been trying to practise, it really depends on the day as to how it goes. Because other people have lives etc things can be sprung on me quite suddenly and I get very stressed and anxious.

This has happened regarding tomorrow and I literally don't know how I'm going to cope. I have a sickness phobia and a chronic illness (jackpot! :roflmao:) so right now my head is pounding and I feel ill. Obviously the fact that I'm anxious is just making it worse so it's a vicious circle that I know is my own fault but I just don't really know how to control.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. I know there are people going through far worse so apologies for the self-indulgence. I know I need to 'man up' and just get on with these things but tonight's a bit of a tough one.

Thanks for reading, especially if you made it all the way through!