View Full Version : Health anxiety back :-(

19-08-13, 23:54
I've not posted on here for a few years. Suffered from anxiety (or perhaps post traumatic stress) after an incident and it made me look at life in a different way. I got it in my mind I was having strokes, heart scares etc After a while I stopped suffering from this as I started a new job and it took my mind away from it. Just after the new year I was in the states and suffered a panic attack. It was after a heavy drinking session and eating lots of food I suffered heart burn for the first time. I was with work colleagues so it was a bit embarrassing with me saying it was a heart attack with them telling me to calm down its heart burn.
On Saturday I was out drinking and on Sunday (suffering from a hangover) i felt a weird sensation in my left arm and it made me anxious thinking its a heart attack. I was fine today however tonight I have the same sensation again and I'm all anxious, panicky. My diet hasn't been good over the last few months so don't know if that's playing a part in how I'm feeling or if it was the heavy drinking session that's triggered it?

20-08-13, 15:17
I haven't drank since my anxiety started well tell a lie I will have an alco pop once in a blue moon but still get paranoid.
drink will depress u and alter your mood and for us every normal bodily sensation is major so the affects of a hangover on us really arnt worth it, get back to healthy diet im useless at this I love cake and junk lol but try in moderation plenty of water if u drink alcohol.....and big hugs xx