View Full Version : Help me switch off

20-08-13, 00:57
Ok. So I'm determined to kick this... I recently got married and thought this was the trigger of my anxiety and panick attacks! This all started about a year ago with heart palpitations ... I panicked about it so much it lead to my first panic attack which I thought was a heart attack!! I have managed to control the panic attacks when I feel them coming on I have learnt to not let them freak me out.

Anyway - I honestly thought after my wedding this would all disappear and it did for the first few weeks. I thought yipeeee! And now it's playing up again. The thing is I have so so many different symptoms which seem to vary from one day to the next. This can be anything from bad headaches, an upset tummy, distorted vision to muscle twitches and sharp pains anywhwre in my
body. my problem is I have the typical "fear of symptoms" anxiety. I constantly worry about brain tumours or heart attacks. I recently went on a long flight and got restless legs on the plain. I was convinced I had DVT... Turns out the lump was my calf muscle (lol!!!) I just can not seem to switch this off. Especially at night I can not seem to focus on anything else. Does anyone know of any tips to help switch this brain off?! I've tried playing games etc which works... Until I put it down to try and sleep again. I am so upset this has all come back as you know it's quite upsetting. Especially when you can remember what it felt like to feel normal only a year ago.

Does anyone else have loads of symptoms? It's so frustrating.

Any tips would be greatful to learn how to distract my mind from spiralling out of control and wanting to live at my GPs.

Thanks :) X

20-08-13, 08:35
Hi, and congratulations!

It sounds as if you are quite like me, and have periods of being relatively symptom-free. I've found the most helpful thing for me is a CBT technique which involves standing back mentally and watching what I'm doing. eg "Wow, that looks weird! It must be a stress symptom. I wonder how long it will last?"

This works like magic for me!

Gill x