View Full Version : Just Looking for a little Support Please :(

20-08-13, 01:08
I've had a lot of Symptoms lately that I feel like I've blown out of proportion and after about six weeks, I finally went to go see a doctor today. What I was sure was an all matter of cancers he diagnosed as possible carpal tunnel, acid reflux and allergies. This made me feel better for a while, but this evening I feel like the back pain I was feeling increased tenfold, and I was feeling tender all over. I took something for the pain and I'm seeing a psysiatrist per my doctors recommendation. I'm on my way out of the country for work in a little over a week so I'm just terrified they'll tell me something/find something. I realize that this is anxiety and there's a 99.9% that I'll be just fine. I'm just in a lot of pain that I want to be out of. Whenever you're uncomfortable, you feel kind of down. Mostly I'm just seeking a kind word or who's been in the same situation, whether the doctor found anything or not. Any support at all would be much appreciated. :blush:

20-08-13, 08:25
Hey, welcome. We are mostly in exactly the same place as you, so hang in there and people will definitely be along to say hello! :)

20-08-13, 12:38
Back pain can be caused by the littlest of things and is often nothing to worry about. It could be your posture, the way you sit, your bed, you may have moved into an awkward position when you were sleeping. It could be a pulled muscle that you keep aggravating. Your mind will be making it seem a lot worse...maybe causing more muscle tension. I got back spasms a while ago and it got to a point where I could hardly walk! Some physio sorted it out. Trapped my sciatic nerve after a football game...again couldnt move never mind walk. Bit of physio and stretching, good posture sitting at a desk sorted it out.

Daisy Sue
20-08-13, 13:32
Back pain is so central to our bodies, that everything can feel connected to the pain, even the slightest movements. Hang on in there, take anti-inflammatories (if you're ok on them) and just wait for the worst bit to calm down. Alternate resting with walking around - too much of either isn't good for a bad back... & try to believe the reassurance that the doc has given you.

Hope you feel better soon!

20-08-13, 15:10
hiya there I just joined today..im sorry ur having a rough one...im currently in my lil world of dizziness and derealisation which I cnt shake so im thinking I have a tumour or some grown or nerve damage....bloody brains eh? im always about and hopefully will be able to help you in the future xxxxx:hugs:

26-08-13, 14:45
Thank you guys so much for all your support. Still nervous, but I'm heading out of the country tomorrow on a positive note! Wish me luck :)