View Full Version : headaches - help

20-10-06, 09:45
hello all

just wanted some advice. been getting really bad headaches lately. First i thought it was cos i hae a bit of a bad back, then because its the time of the month and it could be hormonal, then i just realised i have been getting them worse since weaning off seroxat. Do you think this could actually be the cause? Now i am panicking cos last month i took 12 paracetamol and this month so far i have taken 16 paracetamol!!

any advice?

20-10-06, 10:08
Hi Otis,

Could be the weaning of the medication, i know when i have reduced my medication i get headaches, and a real stuffy head, if i was you i would just have a word with your gp about it to put your mind at rest.

Im sure its nothing to worry about.



20-10-06, 21:45
It could be tension in your neck and shoulders.

A good massage will help with that and you may find the headaches are reduced.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


20-10-06, 23:30
It could be weaning of the meds,I had this when i weaned of my meds to.Could also be caused by tension.;)

Ellen XX