View Full Version : I feel like i want attention...but i know this feeling will be damaging

20-08-13, 14:36
Lately i have realised...i am desperate for some attention. Not like attention from parents, but attention from new people since i am struggling to socialise in any environment (i feel worried people will yell at me for simply talking). Its just i have been so bored lately with everything and i feel more lonely than usual. Its probably the reason why i even have depression since i am bored and lonely, its not a good mix at all.

I hate to admit this since i hate to think of myself as attention seeking, but unlike some i ain't interested in doing stupid stuff just to get it. I hate people like that.

I also believe it may be causing my brain fog since i feel very little stimulation during the day (at least effective stimulation).

Daisy Sue
20-08-13, 15:22
No-one's going to criticise you for feeling the most basic of human needs - and that is to reach out to other humans & have them interact with you.

Even people who choose to live a quiet life and enjoy their own company sometimes need others to bounce ideas & chitchat off.

Hopefully you'll find some friends on here - I think this forum is lovely... not just as a support system for those suffering, but very friendly and welcoming too.

Remember - what you have to say is just as important and worthy as anyone else's words! :)

20-08-13, 21:45
Thanks. I hope i do too. But i find it very hard since almost all the time i have been hurt or betrayed for no real good reason in real life...even online sometimes.

Where i am is quite bland too, not all that many young people and even when there are they are...well to put it simply, not compatible with someone like me.

---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:47 ----------

The main problem i have, and why i rarely meet new people is due to the fact i am scared to contact anyone myself. I hate feeling rejected or the feeling that i unintentionally pissed/creeped/annoyed someone. Many incidents have occurred like this in the past due to the other person being a dick.

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

I really just don't want to be seen as attention seeking, the sad thing is in the past i had to act all whiny and emo to get the attention of certain people. When im trying to be funny or do positive things no one cares...it sucks.

Daisy Sue
20-08-13, 23:36
Many incidents have occurred like this in the past due to the other person being a dick.[COLOR="blue"]

Sorry, but I laughed out loud when I read that bit :D

I've come to realise that there are so many people in that category in life, and honestly, they're not worth your time or energy!

When you've been hurt & betrayed, it's hard to come back from with confidence, especially when it's happened more than once. But you'll get there.. time helps, and places like this where we all have one thing in common - our need to talk to others going through similar problems.

I forgot to check how many posts you've got or how long you've been here, but there's always the Chat Room, which is great for having online chats with other members.. sometimes it's a giggle in there, and sometimes serious.. maybe give it a go :)