View Full Version : Anxiety and sadness when alone

20-08-13, 16:57
I've been struggling a lot with my bad thoughts and sense of hopelessness worsening when I'm alone. If I'm on my own in my room or something, everything seems really overwhelming in comparison to the rest of the day when I'm socialising or working with others. Obviously, I can't always be with people, though.

How do you guys handle this kind of thing? I really want to feel content and safe when I'm just in my own company, but right now it just feels really stressful.

20-08-13, 17:12
What sort of bad thoughts do you get when you're alone? Is it mostly thoughts about feeling lonely?

20-08-13, 17:14
What sort of bad thoughts do you get when you're alone? Is it mostly thoughts about feeling lonely?

They're thoughts about stressful things going on in my life, and generally negative thoughts about my life. It's just that they get harder to control when I'm alone.

20-08-13, 17:24
I usually handle those sorts of thoughts by coming up with challenges to them, to refute them. I also find distraction helpful, eg playing computer games or watching a comedy.

20-08-13, 17:27
I usually handle those sorts of thoughts by coming up with challenges to them, to refute them. I also find distraction helpful, eg playing computer games or watching a comedy.

I need to get better at challenging. I always feel like my thoughts are valid, irrefutable fears and aren't able to be challenged.