View Full Version : Eyes playing tricks on me?

20-08-13, 17:12
Does anyone else look at themselves in the mirror and suddenly feel like their facial features have changed?
Like right now i'm looking at myself in the mirror and feel like my lips have changed their shape.. I dunno why but I feel like they have. I also feel very worried about it, which is definitely my anxiety.
But does anyone else feel like this?
Sometimes I also feel like my face looks a bit fatter or thinner. After worrying I start feeling very tired and emotional. Right now i'm not wearing make up, which is something I rarely ever do.

I just wanna see if i'm alone with this.

20-08-13, 21:43
You're not alone. That happened to me one time I was in a cafe, went to the bathroom, and must have stared at the mirror for five minutes trying to figure out what was off about my reflection.

20-08-13, 21:53
Not normally but I did have a fear of allergic reaction for a while and used to wake up in the middle of the night and check my face and tongue in the mirror to see if it was swollen. I was convinced they were (but they weren't of course). Could this be a form of depersonalisation/derealisation?