View Full Version : Spot inside cheek that will not heal

20-08-13, 18:35
Hi folks,

I have a spot on the inside of my check - almost dead center in the soft tissue that doesn't seem to want to go away. It's like a tiny pit that attempts to heal itself over but never completely does. I guess I would describe it as an ulcer - but I have nothing to compare that to.

There is no discoloration (sometimes it may be a little white'sh in color due to any attempt to heal over), but it's not red, it's not spreading, it doesn't bleed, it's not sore AND it's been there for years. Probably going on 6-7 years now when I distinctly recall feeling it with my tongue.

I've read tons about oral cancer and how so many people tend to ignore the early signs - but any 'early signs' usually develop into something more serious within a few weeks to a year. Where I've had this thing for years, should I be concerned? Thoughts on what it might be?


21-08-13, 14:14
has your dentist seen this? i would show them when you go to get it checked out, odd it does not heal or go, sure its nothing to worry about (are you a smoker) have it looked at to be sure they may be able to give you something to make it go blessings

21-08-13, 15:07
I also had a spot that I thought was an ulcer type thing... but on my gums. I had it for I years (I assume) but never really paid attention to it until I read about oral cancer... I got freaked out, and was scared to even go to the dentist.

I did eventually go, and it turned out to be my bone due to an overbite. Very common, and very benign. All that stress for nothing! On my countless google searches this never even came up.

I know yours is on your cheek, but I am sure it is something as easy to explain. If it has been there for years, your dentist will have seen it. And they are trained to look for serious conditions.