View Full Version : Advice please!

20-08-13, 20:41

I'm a newbie so apologies if I'm in the wrong forum! I wondered if any of you had any advice/words of wisdom!

About 4 years ago I started suffering from panic attacks, which took over my life. I went to CBT and gradually built up my confidence until I only had panic attacks in claustrophobic situations (trains, lifts, busy shopping centres, etc, basically anywhere with no escape!), but I avoided them and carried on with life as 'normally' as possible!

I really feel like I've come a long way and am have achieved loads, especially at work, a big contrast to my mum practically pushing me out of the car to even go to work 4 years ago!

However, my friend is getting married in Italy next week and has asked me to be bridesmaid. The thought of sitting in a tin can in the sky for 2.5 hours fills me with dread (I'm not scared of flying, just wanting to get out and having a panic attack because I feel trapped) , and also being that far away from home, I'm worried I'll feel uncomfortable for the whole trip as the furthest I've been in 5 years is Cornwall! I went to my GP who prescribed citalopram which has helped a bit - I've managed 3 train journeys and a lift :-) he also suggested valium on the flight which I've never taken.

I just wanted to know am I best to just try doing it with a large glass of vino, but if I need to take valium during the flight as well will they react? I'm hoping not to take it, just have it as a safety blanket in my bag! Can anyone recommend any good relaxation methods/CDs/books to use on the plane? And has anyone felt the same as me but done it anyway? I really don't want to let my friend down but I feel so anxious I don't know how I'm going to do it :-(

21-08-13, 08:20
Hi I am new to this as well and having really bad panic attacks I am starting cbt therapy soon I just wanted to ask you does it work that's hunny :D xxx

---------- Post added at 08:18 ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 ----------

Hi darling as for flying the wine will definitely help but I would not recommend the valiumn as we'll you may get side affects from the drink xx

---------- Post added at 08:20 ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 ----------

Self help for your nerves by Claire weeks fantastic book it's my bible and go on you tube type in panic attacks and there are loads of people talking you through just put your headphones on good luck :) xxx

21-08-13, 20:08
Thank you sooo much for replying! I've just ordered that book :)

Good luck with your CBT, it did help for me, but I've got to get over the final hurdle by myself, I would say it gave me a kick start! Hope all goes ok for you x x x

21-08-13, 20:56
Cbt is brilliant for helping with agoraphobia, and stressful situations.
Well done for how far you've come.
It is quite a stressful trip your going on, if, being in confined places is your fear.
However, although I haven't been on a plane... One of my biggest stressors was attending a full day wedding 30miles away and staying overnight. What I did was....
I took Valium 2mg 4 times per day for the two days prior to the wedding
Then as often as I needed it on the day.
I didn't drink cos I new then I couldn't/shouldn't mix the two. And I would rather take extra Valium than drink. Cos I used to get horrendous hangovers...which itself caused major panic attacks!!!
The Valium helped me through.
I also listed to relaxing CDs. There are many online available for download or to buy next day delivery.
I also did deep breathing
And I also used rescue remedy.
I really wish you well. I also know that you will ally enjoy yourself once your there

22-08-13, 12:42
Thank you so much, it's nice to know I'm not the only one! Part of me thinks I'll be completely fine and embarrassed for causing a fuss! Well done on going to the wedding, it's a big step :-) x x x

22-08-13, 14:12
My panic attacks today are so bad how is everyone else doing hugs :weep:

05-09-13, 12:48
Just wanted to post an update.....

Well I did it! And without wine and valium! I can't say I enjoyed the flight but I took plenty of things to keep me busy, and took it half an hour at a time.

Only once when I was away did I feel anxious and that was when I was hungover which happens in my own home anyway. As someone else said panic feels the same no matter where you are.

I had an amazing time and wouldn't have missed it for the world. Just to think a few months ago I would have done ANYTHING not to go.

If I can do it (I'm not a v strong person!), anyone can do it!

I hope everyone else is doing ok, lots of love x x x

05-09-13, 13:13
Well done you!!
I keep reading stories on here about how terrifyingly scared members are of upcoming events. Dentist, docs, weddings, flying etc it doesn't really matter what the event
What is proved Time and time again is

Although I know this though, I still get the anticipatory anxiety
But it does make my positive thought talking a bit more important

Anyway well done you xxxx