View Full Version : I know everyone is sick of me but I don't know what's wrong : (

20-08-13, 20:49
Hi everyone, I know I am always going on about the same kind of things and I'm sorry. I hope that those with HA can understand the lack of control I've got over my situation at the moment.

Over the past couple of days I've had pains in my stomach, some feel like trapped wind, other times its like burning. I've got alot of gas and have had a bit of diarreah.. Obviously since this happened I can't calm down and this is making the problem worse. I'm having some pain in my chest too.

It's not there all the time and often if I'm busy I'm not aware of it. Can someone tell me what it might be? Is it anxiety? It feels a bit like indigestion I think. I'm trying to stay calm but all my fear is around bowel cancer. I've got lots of muscle pain around my shoulder on the same side too.

I have a doctors appointment on Saturday so I am trying to do something. I just need some help in the meantime.

Thank you for your understanding and patience x

20-08-13, 21:19
Hi button
:hugs:coming your way, I know exactly how your feeling
because sometimes I feel folks probably get sick of hearing me
going on about my not sleeping and waking feeling panicky
but then I try not to be so negative and think well we are all
here to help and listen to each other and share what issues
we have in common
Here if you ever need to chat:)

20-08-13, 21:26
It does sound to me like it is trapped wind especially if you have pains in your shoulder.

20-08-13, 21:27
Hi there hun :)

Nobody is sick of you, we all have anxiety one way or another, we know and understand what it's like, so no more worries there :)

The one thing that anxiety does to me is hit my stomach and bowels!! It's a very common thing in people with anxiety so try not to worry too much, go and see your doctor and I'm sure they'll be able to put your mind at rest :hugs:

20-08-13, 23:26
Well the diarreah has gone, that's something. I'm sure my mind is making a minor ailment seem worse but it's so hard to be calm : (

Thanks for the support as ever xxx

24-08-13, 21:50
Hi button1 I used to suffer a lot with my stomach and if you look at all my posts there usually about the same thing over n over!! BURNING STOMACH I used to suffer bad in the places you describe usually starts right below ribs in center an move right across mainly left side... Not had it in a long time but guess what?? It's back an so sore had it 2days now right below ribs right across but now my throat is burning :(