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View Full Version : cold sore or spot on chin????

20-08-13, 21:48
noticed it this morning, had a shave and its massive and red, and weeping. not so red now but when I squeeze it weeps
is that a cold sore and not a spot and how come I got one on my chin, I always get them on my lips. thought it was a spot but spots dont weep when you squeeze them do they?
this hasnt stopped weeping

christ looking at google it says maybe impetigo???

20-08-13, 22:04
it could be a boil or a spot but doesn't sound serious to me

How on earth did you find impetigo lol

20-08-13, 22:50
google said it, I need to keep off there
its massive, feels like coldsore but looks like a boil
any views? no way I can go docs again, how will I know what it is? here is a pic of the nasty thing. I dont wanna go out with this


20-08-13, 22:58
I have had that. It is annoying but I think it is just acne. For me it lasts 2 or 3 days. Ask the pharmacist for some cream.

21-08-13, 01:08
That looks to me like a boil.

Stop squeezing it as that will just inflame it and it was also spread the infection to nearby tissue.

You can try using warm compresses on it 3 or 4 times a day to help bring it to a head.

Give it a few days to sort itself out, but if it's still bothering you, or getting bigger and more angry looking, then I'd ring your surgery, you could see a doctor or a nurse there and they'd know what to do :)

Daisy Sue
21-08-13, 01:10
Looks sore :( It's probably weeping because you shaved the top layer of skin off, & it's just natural fluid coming out (which will dry up & help heal it if you don't squeeze any more!)

Maybe just put something antiseptic & soothing on like Savlon.

It doesn't look anything like a cold sore to me, by the way, probably just a big zit or boil.

21-08-13, 01:47
sadly its gone yellow with head on and it itchy and feels/looks like a cold sore now

can you get them on your chin?

http://www.fileswap.com/dl/WnvqA86FJV/ would appreciate it if someone could let me know

you can see it better here http://www.fileswap.com/dl/g6uHHlNYM/

thanks :) and sorry for being a pain

21-08-13, 11:54
even worse this morning, massive yellow head on it feels and looks like a cold sore :(

cant go out with this--anything I can put on it??


21-08-13, 11:59
It looks like a spot or a boil

Why not pop to the chemist and ask them what you can put on it.

I would have said try talcum powder but that may not be the best thing.

21-08-13, 21:07
got told it was a spot or maybe something else by a nurse but not a cold sore? got told to bathe it in salt water but thats doing nothing

21-08-13, 21:53
These things take time to go - it won't just go overnight

21-08-13, 23:27
Herpes Simplex1 (HSV1) can and does appear other places other than your lips. You can even get type 1 on your genitals from oral sex with an infected partner. I've had both type 1 and 2 since my late teens. My type 1 appears just below my lip in the same spot when I have an outbreak. Prescription antiviral meds can help prevent outbreaks and there are many good OTC remedies. I use Campho-Phenique. They make one to help dry the lesion out and one to help moisturize it when it scabs over.


22-08-13, 01:00
I suffer with cold sores and I have to say it really doesn't look anything like a cold sore to me either.

That looks like and seems to be behaving like a classic boil. I would do as the nurse has advised you, maybe bathing it with warm water and the salt though as the warm water will help soften the head so that it starts to drain.

Make sure that you keep it really clean when it's draining and while it's forming a scab, as you don't want to get cross infection from something else.

From your pictures, it doesn't look like it will be very long before it opens and starts draining.