View Full Version : Womens issues, urine leaking???,

21-08-13, 00:17
HI All. This issue has never been a problem for me until just last night when I put a few episodes together. So I was asleep comfortably and woke up needing to pee then held it back and went back to sleep again. I woke up again and went to the toilet and noticed a wet patch in my pajama pants, about 5cm x 5cm. It was clear and watery so I'm assuming it was urine, not discharge. My concern is that this was pee and therefore does that mean I'm headed for an incontinence problem?? Worse still, I googled it and many references to leaking urine being caused by MS, Parkinsons, caners etc and these too have been fears of mine. Twice before, a few months ago I did notice small patches on my underwear of clear watery fluid (about the size of a 20c peice), but I thought it was just discharge. Im now worried that this is in fact pee all three times and its escalating my health anxiety big time. Do other women get this or would it be something to worry about or just considered pretty normal. I have no kids, am very active with no pre-existing conditions I'm aware of (apart from what I fear I have!!!....lol) Thanks

21-08-13, 00:22
How old are you?

As we get older we lose the pelvic floor function so yes we can leak more.

This is why they invented tenna ladies lol

Daisy Sue
21-08-13, 00:36
Sounds very innocent to me. As Nicola says, it can be a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, or poor bladder control.. and this can be caused by age or ignoring the signs when you need to pee.. best advice is to go as soon as you feel the urge, and you can practice pelvic floor exercises without anyone noticing, as often as you can.. kind of 'squeeze' upwards on the muscles of that area, as if you're trying to suck up on a straw down there (umm that sounds really weird but I can't think of a better example just now. lol).. do this a few times in a row, a few times a day, and it really can strengthen things & make a difference.

21-08-13, 01:34
HI Thanks. I'm only 37 and in excellent health physically. I obviously have health anxiety, have had for many years. It gets so hard to differentiate now between my mind reacting so catastrophically becasue I suffer health anxiety and escalate things or if ailments are a real concern and anyone would panic/worry the same amount. What do you guys think. Would a person without health anxiety consider this worrysome?? My girlfriend who I tell everyhting to said that if that was her then wouldnt have even given it another thought, and that it probably has happened to her but she doesnt wear underwear and wouldnt even know. I'm so tired.

21-08-13, 08:44
Is this the first time it has happened? I had this worry a few years ago and then realised every time it had been either when I was half asleep or in a hurry - and I simply hadn't wiped properly! :doh:

It really isn't insurmountable if you have incontinence, but I wouldn't assume it is that to begin with. Keep an eye on it, and if it happens again go and see a doctor; meanwhile get on with those pelvic floor exercises!