View Full Version : Hit my head! Help!

21-08-13, 03:06
Ok well before I had my head under the solid pointed overhang of a shelf fixing something. Straightened up quickly an smashed my head into it.. Cue a loud frustrated scream from me and lots of swearing (was already in a foul agitated mood) plus it hurt like hell. No lump it was at back on top half of head below the crown if that makes sense. Did it at 9.15ishpm it's now 3am went to sleep at 10pm and woke up feeling a bit groggy and headachy but don't know if its got anything to do with head or my sleeping pattern... And yes I googled it and the Natasha Richardson story has scared the crap outta me I don't want to die!!! She only bumped her noggin a little bit an she did ... Please someone reply x

21-08-13, 08:41
Hi Sarah, if you have logged back on to read this then I am sure you are fine! I've done this a few times and been terrified - but fine. Remember: stories like Natasha Richardson make the news because they are so rare.

21-08-13, 08:45
I do this nearly ever time I get something out from under the stairs :( Hurts like mad for a couple of days but I'm fine :)

21-08-13, 13:17
Erm well hello... Still here ! Went to bed after I sent that message in such a mood thinking well if I die I die I have headache ! Not my usual thinking lol and woke up after sleeping nearly 12 hours ! X

21-08-13, 13:54
Hi, I have the exact same panic when I bang my head. It is so worrying isn't it but as others have said it is very rare for any thing to happen unless it was a blow to the head by some one on purpose!
Also with Natasha Richardson she could have had something there before and hitting her head made it explode so to speak xx

22-08-13, 02:44
I swear when it all happened My panic stations were on red alert for ages now I can't bear for people to even touch my head! X

22-08-13, 08:14
Hi there, I read your story and think that i am very lucky to be alive, imagine having an old tv set fall onto your head???yep that happened to me and im still here to tell the tale lol