View Full Version : Cancer fear is destroying me

20-10-06, 11:47
Since losing my father to pancreatic cancer 2 years ago, I am just left with the fear that I'm going to get cancer of some kind. If i get something wrong with me then I assume i've got cancer and starting googling symptoms and scaring myself.

I've read about pancreatic cancer in the past and some websites say that you are at an increased risk if your father/mother has it and I've read on another that it's highly unlikely that I sibling should develop it even if one parent has.

Last week I'd convinced myself I had bladder cancer [V]

I still receive bereavement councelling and we do talk about my fears but I'm wondering if I should get hypnosis help?

I just want to stop worrying that every ache or pain I get is cancer related. I consider myself fit and healthy and don't smoke

20-10-06, 11:56
hi jenny,

you sound just like me. i fear cancer all the time, i never really think there's any future for me because i will die early. try not to google as it will only make it worse.

i lost my mum to breast cancer and was absolutely obsessed by the family history thing. In the end i decided to research it properly, speaking to my gp and looking at my risk factors - i found that i'm not considered at a much higher risk than anyone else, which was pretty strange because i had always assumed i would definitely get it. It might be worth talking to your gp about your family history and getting the facts about it instead of worrying unnecessarily. Even if you are at increased risk this increase may be tiny, so dont go searching for 'facts' off the internet.

it's really hard to deal with health anxiety, i have just started cbt and i'm hoping that will help, but other than that theres not much else i can suggest, but just to let you know you are not alone.


20-10-06, 12:01
Hey Jenny,

Sorry to hear you're still feeling low. Have you told your counsellor about your thoughts/fears?

Have you heard of a well woman check? It's just like an MOT for your body and checks pretty much everything if I'm correct?! Why not ask your GP about this, maybe something to consider to put your mind at rest?

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

20-10-06, 12:05
yes I do speak with the counsellor about my fears but she says that I lead a healthy lifestyle and it would be highly unlikely but it doesn't stop me worrying.

if it's not one to worry about it's another...

I've had all sorts of checks this year, mammogram, MRI, ENT specialist, blood checks for thyroid, kidney, blood count & kidney and these were done because I was getting myself into a state (everything was normal by the way)

I probably sound like a hypocondriac but any twinge I get, I assume the worse. It's tiring.....

20-10-06, 12:26
Well it's definately a good sign that they all came back clear! :)

Hypnosis might be a good thing then, retraining yourself to think positive?!

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

20-10-06, 17:24

My fear is cancer also, every lump, bump or body change then I worry.
I'm sure you are not alone, as I put a thread on hear called something along the lines of "Health Anxiety - What are you afraid of?"

Take a lookm you will see that we all do!


20-10-06, 20:12
I can empathise with you as I feel exactly the same, even though I have no family history.

I too have had lots of tests (re bowel) which have all come back ok but I still can't help but think the worst of my tummy/bowel symptoms.

I know that it is pointless having more tests (not just because I worry myself silly whilst waiting for the results). I realise that what I DO have to do is sort out my head and stop over-reacting.

The trouble is, with cancer, it is often a long while before you get any major symptoms. Sadly I lost 2 young friends in the last 2 years through cancer (one pancreatic/liver and one breast cancer). My counselling helps me understand WHY I react like I do, but so far hasn't done anything to help me change this!

I have considered hypnosis, and I think this is probably a good thing to try, or CBT if you are not getting this with your counselling. I came across someone local to me who does CBT and also REBT - I had a quick look at this on the internet and it looks interesting. However, this therapist did say that you are best to complete one therapy and not mix several at the same time, so she recommended that I finish my course of counselling first.

I hope you get some help, and if you do try hypnosis I'd be really interested to hear how you get on.

Take care, Caroline

24-10-06, 22:23
I to suffer from the fear that is Cancer. Its like an evil mental invader. I blame the media for constantly talking about it, check this, feel that, watch for this............ It really cheeses me off. I would love Cancer DEAD and pray for a day when a vacination comes out to kill all types.

24-10-06, 23:04
I used to have a fear of cancer. It started when my aunt died, I was about 14 and I'm now 50 and still breathing (I think, touch wood). Now my son is following the tradition.