View Full Version : experienced doctors

21-08-13, 07:54
Hello just thought I would share this little story to see what you think about 5 years ago I tried hrt for menopause after about a couple of weeks I started to bleed ( I hadn't had a period for 10 years ) I wasn't that worried at the time and just rung doctors thought I would just report it , on the evening the doctor rung me and said I would have to be referred urgently , now I don't have to tell you what them words done to me having health anxiety , I never once thought it was the hrt I knew nothing about it that way so after being up all night and feeling ill by now I couldn't wait for referral I went to a walk in doctors I had to have someone take me and more or less carry me in I was in such a state , when the doctor saw me I couldn't speak my relation who Took me had to explain well he looked at me and and couldn't believe why I was like I was being a 50 year old women , the first thing he asked was the doctor i saw young and I said yes he said he has this all the time with patients he said they may be very good but these young doctors tend to go by the book and don't have years of experience like some elderly doctors he said some hrt does this it's normal he should have known that if you had come to me that's what I would have told you and just changed your hrt anyway I still had scan because I had to have my mind still put at rest and all was fine it happens all the time with hrt , sorry this ended up I bit of a long story but my point is older doctors do have a life of experience and I for one definitely prefer them lol sorry it was drawn out .xxx