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View Full Version : Don't feel with it/ can't concentrate

21-08-13, 16:36
Wondering if anyone else can relate...

For the past month or so I’ve been experiencing this strange state of mind where by my mind feels completely 'dumb' and almost tranquilised. It's basically the feeling of 'not being with it' -like a zombie, except this is happening all the time now and is especially bad when out in public. I feel like I’m not all there essentially and it’s absolutely terrifying.

I think it could be a part of the depersonalization, where my mind has shut off, but I just can't comprehend it. It's like I’m a walking zombie, but floating around without a body!

I find myself un able to concentrate, to the point where I’m so stuck in my head that I sometimes find myself bumping into people. I also space out constantly too- all worrying symptoms.

Anyone else know what's going on??

Thanks in advance :)

22-08-13, 10:21

22-08-13, 14:33
I have these every so often. Not quite as bad as you seem to have it though. When i was on Prozac i used to have it, i could barely focus or have any motivation to do things, when i stopped taking it i improved. Unfortunately i still have episodes like this and i lack the motivation to do complex and challenging stuff. I believe if i am to talk to more people in real life i might improve since it will stimulate me and make me feel happier. But its a terrible feeling and i hate it.

22-08-13, 16:49
Hello Cmack,

I've only just joined this site but am experiencing similar kind of things.

My state of "confusion" is similar to yours but I am aware that my mind isn't working if that makes sense? Instead of just "drifting" all of a sudden a task I could normally do with my eyes closed suddenly makes no sense to me. No matter how hard I try to resolve it just gets more frustrating and upsetting. Its as if I've forgotten how to read or don't understand meanings of words. Before I know it an hour or 2 hours has gone by and I haven't done anything/completed whatever the task was. I haven't found a "trigger" as it happens anywhere and more often then not without warning which is especially frustrating as if i'm in a crowd I can become quite paranoid and to a certain extent panicked.

Have you tried stimulating you brain more? Take up (more then one) hobby? Instead of watching tv do something that makes you think, even if it's just reading - or does it only happen when your on you own in crowds?

22-08-13, 17:34
Hello Cmack,

I've only just joined this site but am experiencing similar kind of things.

My state of "confusion" is similar to yours but I am aware that my mind isn't working if that makes sense? Instead of just "drifting" all of a sudden a task I could normally do with my eyes closed suddenly makes no sense to me. No matter how hard I try to resolve it just gets more frustrating and upsetting. Its as if I've forgotten how to read or don't understand meanings of words. Before I know it an hour or 2 hours has gone by and I haven't done anything/completed whatever the task was. I haven't found a "trigger" as it happens anywhere and more often then not without warning which is especially frustrating as if i'm in a crowd I can become quite paranoid and to a certain extent panicked.

Have you tried stimulating you brain more? Take up (more then one) hobby? Instead of watching tv do something that makes you think, even if it's just reading - or does it only happen when your on you own in crowds?

Hi, thanks for the reply. I do stimulate my brain, but perhaps not as much as i should. I have just finsihed Uni and maybe the sudden break that my brain has been getting compared to the 'studying mode' it was in whilst at Uni is slightly to blame.

I keep active and go to the gym 4 days a week, which helps, but as i've been going for so long and consistently, i no longer really feel the benefits if that makes sense.

It mainly happens when i'm around crowds as i suffer quite bad socal anxiety.