View Full Version : Resolutions

20-10-06, 12:21
When I was doing well in the past I kept a planner and I gave myself things to do, especially chores that I was putting off such as posting off forms and I was going to the gym evereyday. The fact of feeling on top of things and seeing how much I was achieving helped me to feel good, plus there was less stress because I was on top of things.

I'm going to try and be more like that again. I've been off sick for a month and I've spent most of it sat in my room on the computer wondering how I was going to fill my days.

I know that I have plenty to do. I'm organising a charity halloween event, I've got a charity football match coming up, I'm looking into starting a hockey team....

It does concern me that maybe I won't be able to go very far again because I've thought all these terrible thoughts and how can I ever forget them? But, I tell myself that I physically don't feel so great at the moment, which is due to my brain chemistry. That will come back to normal and I will feel more comfortable in my own body, more positive and more relaxed. When I'm like that thoughts that terrify me now will simply bounce off or they won't even occur to me in the first place.

I'm much more proactive now, I understand myself so much better, I have direction and goals, I have more self-belief, I'm more open-minded....I have depression, panic attacks and anxiety to thank for that!! Just remind me of it the next time I'm on here moaning lol

By the way, I'm going to give tai chi a go tonight!!!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

20-10-06, 12:50
hi wifts you seem to be a lot more positive and ready to beat this now.i wish you all the best and keep the goals going im sure you will get them take care tracy.good luck for tonight.